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Third person's POV

Prem was going to the garden when bell rang . Prem opens the door. He is stunned to see Boun and his dad at the door. "...... Sawadeekhrab Uncle". He gestured them to come in. Boun's dad apologised to Prem. ".... Uncle, please, don't say sorry, I understand". Then Boun's dad told him to call his parents. He apologised to them too and said that he has approved of their relationship " It's his life, he has the right to do what he wants. But if he wants my approval, he has it and I m sorry for what I did that day". Then they went back home after sometime.

The day before Prem and Boun go back to Bangkok. They are in Boun's house. His dad is gone for work to the resort.

"Phi'~..... " Prem said softly. " Yes, baby". He playfully hit Boun's shoulder. He sits on his lap and wraps his arms around Boun. "Phi' I am sleepy". " Hah.....don't be lazy, the sun hasn't even set yet". He is usually clingy like that when he wants to cuddle. Boun knows it. Prem whines and kisses him on the lips, then cheeks, then again his lips............ "Prem, let's eat dinner first then we'll do whatever you want" Boun smirks. "Phiiii'.....I didn't mean it like that". Boun just smiles and goes to the kitchen to make dinner.

Boun made dinner and fed him. Then they went to his room again.
Prem lied down on the bed and  called Boun to sit beside him. He puts his head on Boun's lap.
Boun ruffles his hair and kisses him all over his face. They cuddled till they felt sleepy. Then they slept pecacefully in each other's arms.

" Prem...... um........ can we go there today....near the lake". Boun said when Prem was leaving to go back to his house. Prem nodded. "We'll eat'll come pick you up at 8 ". it's a date, Prem thinks and nods.

At night, Boun knocks at his door.
Prem opens the door and smiles. Boun grins at how adorable he looks .
"Oww......... my baby looks so cute today" and opens his arms to hug him but stops when someone clears their throat. Aunt says " Be back before 10, kids....". Boun says yes. ".... And he looks cute everyday". Boun is embarrassed. What did she have to hear that. Aunt chuckles. They went to the lake.

It is a small eating place near the lake. There is big Tree on which fairy lights are beautifully hung up. There's a small table with two chairs under the tree. Boun has made a reservation of whole place for today. So there is no one except the staff.

They sit on the chairs. " Phi', it's so beautiful, this place is perfect". Boun's lips curl up into a smile hearing this. "I am glad you liked it".
They ordered steak . When they were done eating. When Prem was standing in front of the lake, Boun sneakily told the servers to go. Then he hugged Prem from the back.
"Prem I have something for you" He pulled from the hug and take out a box from his pocket.
"Prem, I know we are still young to make those big life decisions, but I have never been so sure about anything ever, I don't know if I'll ever get to make you my husband or not, but...." He gets down on one knee and opens the box (there are two bracelets )" .........i promise you that I'll never leave your side, no matter what happens, I will love you.......everday and always" . Prem is in tears hearing all this. He also kneels down and hugs Boun. "I love you too". They stand up after a while. Boun secures a bracelet on Prem's wrist and Prem does the same. Boun takes Prem's both hands in his and says "I love you ".
Then they share a sweet kiss, full of love and sealing the promise to be with each other............ forever.



A/N : -I am really grateful for all the reads. Please keep supporting me in the future too.

Thank you 😊

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