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It's spring already, today is Phi' Boun's birthday. He is in my room, doing something on his laptop sitting on the floor. I was studying , sitting on the bed. But I can't seem to focus now. How can I, when he is right in front of me. He came to my room after we came back from the uni. I thought he'll be going with his friends for his birthday. I am sure that I am not the only friend he has. There is Phi' Ohm and other friends from his major.

"Prem, do you have something, you wanna tell me? " .Shia........ I think he saw me glancing at him again and again. I have to buy a cake and surprise him but he is not going anywhere.
"Aren't you going to celebrate your birthday?" I ask. "Do you want to? Let's go then" He said. "No Phi', I mean, with your friends". " I am doing it already. Aren't you my friend? ". " I am but , we are just sitting here, doing nothing" . "Yeah, I like it that way". What way? He is impossible. I have to make him go.

I go to the bathroom and called Phi' Ohm. " Hello, Phi', it's Prem ". " Oh, hey Prem, but why are you whispering like this? ". " Phi', I need your help, can you call Phi' Boun and tell him that you want to meet him. I have to buy a cake and surprise him but he is in my room". "Okay, I'll do that" He cut the call. I go back to the room. Phi' Boun is talking on his phone. He hung up and said "Prem ,Ohm asked me to meet him, i'll be back in an hour, then I'll make us dinner". "Don't worry about it, I'm gonna order today"I said. He nodded and said " Okay............. And don't you dare go near the gas stove". " Phiii....... I won't ". Then he went to meet Phi' Ohm.

I bought a chocolate flavor cake and food from the market, while he was away. He must be back anytime soon.

" Happy birthday" I shouted and blasted the popper , as soon as I open the door for him.

I bring him the cake. He pick the knife so I stopped "Phi' ,let me stick the candle first"I stick a candle in the middle and said " Make a wish before you blow it" . He closed his eyes then after a minute ,blew the candle. "What did you wish for so long"I laughed. "I wished to be with my loved one , until the last day of my life"he said. " Ohhh........... Uncle , right? " I ask. "I do love him, but it's someone else I wished for". Someone else. Doesn't that mean, a lover.



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