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After we finished arranging the room, Prem asked me go along with him to meet his friend. He said she is only friend he has here but she got admitted in some other university.

It's evening, we are at the entrance of a coffee shop waiting for his friend. Prem got a call "Yes, we are at the entrance"he says on the phone. " Phi', there she is "Prem says pointing at girl coming towards us.
" Hey Prem................ " She fist bumped him "and you must be Phi' Boun, right? " She says to me. "Yes, right. Hello"." Hello, I'm Pineare " She introduced herself then said "Let's go inside ".

Prem's POV

We took drinks and snacks from the worker and sat on a table near the window. Pineare and I chatted a lot but also we didn't let Phi' Boun feel excluded.

I am eating my favorite pineapple flavor cake slice , I took a piece with spoon but dropped it on my shorts. I look for tissues but there are none on the table. Phi' Boun noticed, " Let me get some from the counter ".As soon as he stood up Pineare turned to me and said out of nowhere " He is handsome " . I said "I.......... Know". Facts. "Set me up with him".What ? I said in disbelief " Are you serious? ". She started laughing at my reaction then said smirking at me " Don't worry Prem, I was just kidding" . I said " Okay, but what was that smirk for". "You'll know " She said. She can be really weird sometimes. I just shrugged it off. Phi' came and gave me the tissues I wiped the cream off my clothes then we paid for the meal and then say goodbye to Pineare and came back. Phi' Boun asked me to sleep early so we won't be late on our first day tomorrow.

I woke up at 8 in the morning . I stood up from the bed to brush my teeth. I came form the bathroom to take my clothes when I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door, it's Phi' "Good morning, Phi'". We came inside " Prem, let's have breakfast ".He took out two packets of ramen from a vinyl bag " I bought it just now from the shop near by" He said."Have you taken a bath yet". I shook my head "Not yet".
" Then go, I'll cook ramen till then".

I came out from the bathroom after I showered. I saw two bowls of ramen on the small table. He has not eaten yet, must be waiting for me. "Come on Prem, I am hungry". I sat down and started to eat. "I will cook our breakfast and dinner from now on, I know you can't cook but I can" Phi' said. It'll be good but I don't want to burden him "it's okay Phi', I'll  buy from somewhere". " Prem, are you refusing your Phi' Boun "he asks. Yeah, my Phi' Boun, I smiled thinking. " No Phi' it's just that you'll be tired from college and then cooking........ ". He will definitely scold me if I say that I am afraid of burdening him. " I can manage and I wasn't asking to cook for you I was only telling you that I'll do, I can't let you eat unhealthy food everyday "." Okay, I can't win from you anyway".He smiled proudly at what I said.


A/N - Boun : Caring is loving.

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