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"Congratulations" Sammy and Fluke shouted when Phi' Boun came near me. Then they ran away from there, squealing like kids. "God, they're loud" He said and giggled. "Prem, why didn't you go to the canteen , I was looking for you". I can't say that I was too shy to meet him. "Umm... the morning, you were in a hurry , weren't you? Did you get late? ". He is indirectly asking me that why did I run away seeing him, like an idiot. "I got confused for a second, you agreed to be my....... I mean.. you agreed to date me".
" Yes, Phi', let's go now". What the hell is wrong with my voice. I feel like my volume has gone down. I can't even make eye contact with him.

We are eating dinner. "Let's go on a date....uh......of course, if you can, I mean,if you're free tomorrow" Phi' Boun said. "Oh.... Okay "I answered. " know.....I've since we first met...... In Phuket, I just want you to know that I've been hiding my feelings for so long, so if........ I ever do anything that makes you feel uneasy , please tell me okay, I don't want to ruin our relationship over any reason, I want to take small steps too, I didn't know you liked me too, I want to make myself worthy.....of your love". I know he would never do something that makes me uncomfortable but I am glad that he told me about his concerns.
I placed my hand on his and nodded.

I am fortunate that a person like Phi' Boun, is a part of my life. He  always cares for me. I will also try my best to make him happy.

Next day, in the amusement park. "Phi', I love it here, let's go ride the roller coaster first, then the ferris wheel then...... Ummm.....what was it again? ". " Prem, calm down with your excitement, we have all day, we'll go to every ride here"Phi' said then we went to enjoy every rides one by one. It was time for dinner so we ate in a Korean restaurant.

It's time to go home. I was enjoying so much here. Phi' Boun promised that he'll go there with me again, next time.

"Phi' why did we get off here, the bus stops near our building too". We are not too far, but it's 20 mins walk away. He extended his hand hesitantly and said " Let's walk". If this was the reason, Then it's better to walk . We walked hand in hand to my door. "Prem, will you go early tomorrow"he ask. I shake my head as no. " Okay then, I am going, Good night". I think................ I should thank him. He turned back so I called him "Phi'......... ". He turned again. I pecked on his lips . " Good night " I said. Then I went inside my room and locked the door. I sometimes surprise myself. He looked stunned for a second, should I have asked him before I kiss. But I can atleast do that, now that he is my...... Boyfriend.



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