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Third person's POV -

"Do you like to paint too, phi'? " Prem asked him. "Yes I do, I was wondering if I should bring my sketchbook to the lake or not because if I'd be painting there you might have been bored ". " No, phi', I was thinking the same " Prem said excitedly for which Boun smiled and said "then, it's decided ". They started to play uno while waiting for the evening to come.

Prem's POV -

We are sitting in front of the lake in a park. Good thing, there are not much people. I don't feel comfortable in crowded places and that's the reason why I don't like going out. While I am busy in my thoughts phi' Boun said " Prem do you like it here " I nod. "It's so pretty, there not much people too "." That's why I chose this place, I figured out you are kind of introverted"."I guess so"
I say shyly bowing my head. Then we started painting.

"Oh no..... " I exclaim. "What is it, Prem " Phi' Boun asked. "Phiii, I used the wrong color here by mistake, it's all ruined now ". I was painting very carefully but I still ruined it. " Give it to me Prem, let me see if I can do something" So I gave my sketchbook. After a few minutes "here you go" Phi' said and handed back the sketchbook. I looked at at it and wow I can't disagree, he is really good. "Woah, khobkun na Phi', you are great " he laughed at my compliment then ruffled my hair . He must really like ruffling people's hair but it made me blush again. I wish he doesn't notice.


A/N - Prem's blush stories. Hehe 😁

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