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Prem's POV

"I will sleep on the floor"'Phi' Boun said. No, why would he do that. " Phi'
You don't have to, it's not a small bed". sounds weird. Why is he smirking though. "Ohh....... Yeah".
We lie down on either sides. " Prem.."
He said so I looked at his side. He moved closer and kissed my cheek. So I gave him a small peck on lips.
Then he moved to his side again.

In the morning, I woke up at 6. He is still sleeping. He looks so good in messy hair. I want to wake up everyday like this, right next to him. I stroke his cheek with my thumb. His eyes open.
This is embarrassing. I took my hand off. He looked at the clock. He pulled me closer and hugged me. "It's Sunday, why did you wake up so early". He is kissing me all over my face. " Phi', enough, it tickles" I giggled.

"Do have any plans for today? , if not, let's go on a date". I want to but I can't today. " I promised Pineare to meet her today". "Don't pout, we can go any other day, you meet him only once or twice a month". I want to meet her too, but our date is cancelled.

I got ready to meet her in the afternoon. We are going to meet in at our favorite pizza place.

She must be here in few minutes. Here she comes. " You're late" I said.
"But who was that guy". " Oh..... him.......we are dating...... I was with him.... he came to drop me off here".
" your boyfriend....... " I said teasingly. "We are still just meeting,  but I think soon you would call him my boyfriend". Now she is smirking " And what about you ? "She said. I gave him a questioning look. " How's your Phi'"." He's good, why do you ask? " . "Just asking". I think, I should tell him about us.

" I want to tell you.......about something........ ". " Yeah, what is it? ". " I am dating someone...well.......i have a boyfriend". " Really...... Is it Phi' Boun ". I am shocked. " What? How do you know". She started laughing. "You're an idiot, do you think I wouldn't notice". " It was obvious, you seemed so shy around him.....and........ don't even talk about him". Was it that obvious. "He looks at you with heart eyes, I don't even have to warn him to not hurt you, he already seems head over heels for you". " Hey, don't laugh, you are embarrassing me now". "Ohh.... Is our baby Prem shy? Should I call Phi' Boun? ". " Ahhh.... Stop it ". This girl, she is going to tease me for life.


A/N - Best friend..... Check.

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