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We are on the way to our university, walking on the pathway. Phi' Boun says "Prem I forgot to tell you one thing, Ohm is in also in our university, in the economics faculty"."That's great , he must be in the second year, right? " I asked. "Even though he is in a different faculty, we'll atleast have one person we know" Phi' Boun says smiling. "Let's meet him in the canteen during break."

We reached our faculty building. Now we only have to register as it is our first day. Phi' Boun and I are both in the faculty of arts. He has taken music and I have taken fine and applied arts major. So we are in the same faculty, just our majors are different.

We registered our names and got the session schedule. Then we go to our respected classes. Some students are already here. There are not much vacant benches , I see one in the middle and sit on it. It's a three seater bench. I am sitting at the corner . I see a girl coming towards me. She asks "Excuse me, can I sit here". " Sure "I said. I am standing up but before I did she turned back really fast to call someone and her backpack hit my face. " Hey Fluke.....come....... " she says then she turned back again hearing my groaning sound. "Hey ,you hit my nose". " God, I am so sorry............. It was a mistake, I am really sorry". I'd be laughing at her expressions if I wasn't in pain. She seems genuinely worried. "Are you okay"she asks. " It's okay, just be careful ".A boy came behind her her and said " Ay Sammy, it's only our first day and you're already hitting people". She gives me an awkward smile. He must be the boy he was calling so I gestured them to sit. "Hello I am Fluke and this girl who just you is Sammy"." I am Prem" We introduce ourselves then the professor came.

After three classes it's break time . They sat with me in every class. Sammy asks me "Prem, wanna go with us to the canteen". " Yeah, sure" I said. Then three of us go to the canteen. We took our food and sit on the table, They started eating and ask me "why aren't you eating? ". " I am waiting for someone".I see Phi' Boun coming with Phi'Ohm. He saw me and waved at me, I waved back then they came near the table and sat with us. "Who is he" Sammy asks. "This is P'Ohm and Phi'Boun ". They introduce themselves. We chatted a bit, ate our food . We are again ready to go study.

During the last one, painting class, Sammy and Fluke came to me. " Prem, I am really sorry for hurting you today". "Don't worry, really, it's okay " I smiled. "Okay then let's be friends" She gave me a big smile and extended her hand to me and so did Fluke . I took their hands with both of my hands. We laughed at what I did then we headed outside.


A/N - Our favorite trio is here 🚥

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