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"Prem....................I just wanted to tell you that I like you" Said the boy who called Prem to the courtyard. Prem is stunned hearing that. "Oh.... Well.. " He tries to find words to speak but the boy interrupts him and says " you don't have to answer right now. Please take your time". "No, well....... the thing is that I have someone else I like, so I don't think we'll ever be together and...... " He sighs"I telling you because I don't want to keep you waiting or give you hope........ I am sorry". "Hey, it's totally fine, I just wanted to confess , so that I won't regret later" . "So..... Bye then" The boy smiles and goes from there.

Prem's POV

As soon as I came back to the canteen, Sammy started interrogating me "what did he say?".
" He likes me " I said. She suddenly screamed so loud that Fluke and I could feel our ears bleed. Everyone else in the canteen started staring at us. "Sammy, calm down please, everyone's staring at us" Fluke said.
"Okay.. Okay... So did you say yes" She is looking at me with glittering eyes. "No, why would I? I don't like him"." Ohhh....... Prem" they said in sync. "Until when are you planning to stay like this, lonely and single".
What? I have never been lonely. I have always had Phi' Boun even when he was away.

After having lunch in the canteen, we came to the lecture Hall.

Our last class for today is cancelled, so most of the students are gone to the library . We are winding up our things to go there. Someone taps my shoulder. It's Art. " Prem, I heard he proposed you" He said pointing toward the boy. Words sure travel at light speed. "Yes" I said. "Do you remember I told you to grow your hair , maybe you should try wearing makeup and dresses too, then more boys will like you" He said and started laughing with a girl sitting beside him. Now I understand what he meant earlier. "Don't talk bullshit here, Art" Sammy said. "That boy proposed him because he likes boys". " She's right, maybe you should try using your brain "Fluke said to Art. " Let's go Prem, don't listen to him". I stood up and we went to library.

"Prem, don't let yourself bother by that stupid" Sammy said. "Yeah, don't worry guys, I am okay" I smiled.
They looked at each other the Fluke said "you don't look okay. But it's fine, Just don't think about it too much" I nod. Then we continued studying.



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