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Prem started crying, looking at Boun. Boun glided near him and took him into his embrace. "Phi'...... dreaming , am...... I? "
Prem said between sobs. Boun holds him tighter, kiss on his hair and says
"I love don't have to think about anything else". " So, what's your answer? " He asks. Prem looks at him, wipes his tears with both hands and nods, grinning softly. Boun extends his hand and caress Prem's cheek "Go and sleep , I know you didn't sleep last night , your eyes are puffy, we'll talk tomorrow".

Boun takes Prem to his room, says Good night to him and goes to his own room. Then he slept, wearing a smile on his face.

Prem wakes up next morning and goes to the bathroom. He rubs his eyes while brushing his teeth and last night's events came back to him. He ran to his room and texts Boun ' Phi' I have to go early today, I will eat something from canteen for breakfast '. He sits on his bed ,hugs the big panda and giggles like a child. He is too shy to meet him right now so he told a lie that he has to go early today. He took a shower and wore his uniform . He is leaving early so he won't see Boun.

Prem locks the front door . He sees someone from the corner of his eye, coming from the floor above by stairs. He turns and sees Boun waving at him. He runs as fast as he could to the elevator, avoiding Boun.
Boun is just standing there, doumbfounded .

Prem's POV

He must be thinking that I am an idiot. But I did what seemed to be right at that time. Why did I do that?. "Owwww... " Sammy slapped my head. "Sammy..... Why? "I ask. "Are you sleeping with your eyes open"she says. " Oh...... Nothing ". " Why are you smiling like an idiot? ". Am I? I controlled myself from smiling anymore. " You seem fishy......... You were looking like a zombie yesterday and today you are the are dating someone or what? "She laughed. She said jokingly but hearing all this, it's impossible for me to not smile. Sammy looks at me suspiciously, but our professor arrived on time.

Sammy and Fluke dragged me to the courtyard as soon as our lectures were over. " Spill it, who is it? ". It's not like I have to hide anything from them . I know they'll be happy for me. But the problem is that, they'll tease me to hell.
" I am dating Phi' Boun". They started to hit me on my shoulder and said "and you're telling us just now". " Oii....... Calm down guys, it's not even been a day". "Okay... So who proposed whom?, I had a doubt that you like him, but I never asked ? "Fluke said. I told them the summary.

"Let's go meet Phi' Boun, what are we doing here? " Sammy grabbed me by arm . "Hey, wait........ ".Then I told them everything that I did in the morning. They burst out laughing. " It's not my fault, it happened, just like that"I said . "Oww....... our Prem is shy huh". She started laughing harder and said "get ready for a marathon again ".Then she turned me back by my shoulder. Phi' Boun is coming towards me.


A/N - Isn't he too much? 😂😂

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