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I remember the time when I told Ohm that, I like Prem. I was so afraid that he might break his friendship with me if I tell him. But I told him anyway because I didn't want to hide from him either. I was so afraid of being judged by people. He is the one who told me to just do what my heart says because If I just suppress my feelings, I will only hurt myself. He told me to not care about others because I am the one who knows how I feel, not them.
I am fortunate to have a friend like him. If it wasn't for him, I might have already given up on Prem .

I am blessed to be the one who could make Prem smile. I know it wasn't easy for him to tell me about all this but I am happy that I could atleast ease his mind.

Prem's POV

We had ice cream, sitting alone in the park, just him and I. I am much relieved now, he doesn't hate me for who I am. I told that boy, that I like someone. I said so because I don't want him to keep pursuing me. I lied, but I don't think it was a lie anymore . I am now boubtless about who is that someone I like. I was just denying till now,that I like......... him. I like Phi' Boun.

It's been days since. Art stopped
picking on me. Now whenever I see Art near me, he doesn't even look towards my direction because Sammy and Fluke give him that look that says 'if eyes could kill'.

Phi' Boun and I are going to the mall in evening today.

"Prem, hurry up it's 6 already" I hear him calling from outside. "Coming, Phi'"I said and came out from the bathroom. He is smiling at me, weirdly. " Phi'......... Why are you smiling like that, does this look bad, should I change? ". " No, not at all, you look good in everything ". Here we go again, he is reaching out his hand at me. He pinched my left cheek and say " Cute". As if, saying I look good wasn't enough to make me a tomato.
"Prem, did I pinch too hard, your cheek is red, no, in fact, your whole face is red". I wish I could just hide my face right now. " Don't worry about it Phi', my skin has become sensitive nowadays". "Ohh, I see"he said. " Let's go now, Phi' ". Then I dashed out of the door.


A/N - Prem should definitely stop eating tomatoes😀😀

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