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It's the day we are going back to Bangkok. We are at the door of my house. Everybody said goodbye to us. Then we left for Bangkok .

We are now in front of the apartment buildings . Dad already booked apartment rooms for us. We show our IDs, took the roomcard and first we are gonna check my room. It's cozy , just how I like it. Then we go to check Phi' Boun's . He insisted on helping me arrange my room. So he is putting my painting tools and books on the table and I am keeping my clothes in the closet. Suddenly he called my name so I turn back to see he is holding my dino plushie. God. I totally forgot that I packed it in that bag. I ran to take it from his hand but he put it near my face , he first looked at my face then dino's. "I didn't know you liked plushies, it's so cute just like you".Did he just say 'cute, like me'. I was already embarrassed enough because he saw my plushie and now I can feel my cheeks getting hot after what he said . But why is it , I want to hide my face right now or he will tease me more seeing this blush on my face.

Boun's POV

I saw it right, he is blushing. He turns back , starts to keep his clothes again and said in a low voice" Don't tease me, Phi' "." Ohhh , should I say you are cuter ". " Phii '..........." Prem shouted. I laugh and say "okay, I won't do it anymore".I thought, I will confess after I have made him trust my sincerity and have made our affinity stronger. But his closeness in bad for my heart. How would someone resist his cuteness. I don't know how long will I be able to hide my feelings from him.


A/N - Prem : (breathes)
Boun : Cute

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