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After we finished painting we started to roam around the park. We talked about random things. He told me about other places to visit here. Even though I only met him yesterday, i am starting to feel comfortable and relaxed around him. I suddenly remember "phi', you said, there'll be your friend here too" he seems surprised by my question . "Oh , yeah........... he had some work to do so....? " My phone rings, it's grandma, I answer the call "okay grandma, we are coming" Then I cut the call. "Grandma said to came back, it's almost dinner time".

On the way back home phi'Boun asked for my phone number, so I gave him. We reached home grandma opened the door " Come kids, let's have dinner"."It's fine grandma, l should go now" Said phi' Boun . I waved bye to him.

Days go by, we met everyday, played, talked a lot. We became close in these few days . And today is already the day before I go back.

It's past 11 am, we are at Phi' Boun's house in his room. I see a guitar and ask him " Phi' you didn't tell me, you play guitar". "Yeah, my bad , actually I brought you to show it today". "I have never told anyone except dad that......... " His eyes lit up "....... I want to become a musician" I smiled hearing that. " Play a song phi', please, I wanna listen" Then I sat on the carpet ,gesture him with my hand to sit and play guitar. He sighed softly "how can I say no to you". Then he started playing guitar and sang.

After he finished playing I clap and say " Your voice is so beautiful Phi' "he smiled "thank you, but I am still a rookie"he is blushing. "Let's go now, I want to show you a place, I promise you'll like it". " Okay, let's go" I say. "And Ohm is sure coming this time, I'll introduce him to you".

We are on the way when I ask phi'" Phi',you must have a lot of friends, right? "What? No, what made you think that" . It's kind of surprising, because he is such a good guy, who would not want to befriend him , I think to myself. "I just guessed"." Then you guessed wrong, I only have Ohm and two or three school friends. Ohm and I are childhood friends, he is the one I am closest too and now............. you are too, I think" he seems kind of nervous saying the last words, like he is asking me if I feel the same or not. It that even a question ? Of course I am. I have never felt like this with anyone else. "You have a doubt" I smirk . He gave me a huge smile and said " No I don't".

We reached the place where phi' wanted to take me to . We are at a rock , it's not that high above but the view is really beautiful . "How's it? " Phi' asked me. "The sunset looks so beautiful from here ". Whenever is see these kind of places I feel a strong urge to capture it through my painting. "I should have brought my sketchbook with me"." It's fine, Prem, next time when you come here I'll take you to more places like this"."okay then...... Let me take some pictures for now ".

Boun's POV

While Prem is busy taking pictures Ohm came so I introduced him to Prem then Prem proceeded to take pictures again. He is smiling like a kid ,seeing him like this makes me happy . I and Ohm take some steps back and sit on the grass to give him some time to enjoy on his own for a while , keeping him insight.

Ohm is someone I trust the most. Whenever I feel bad , I'm in a confusing situation or if I just want someone to listen. l can speak with him without worrying about anything. When I lost my mom two years ago, he has always been there with me. I have been thinking of something lately, so i'm going to ask him to help me with my dilemma. " Ohm, can I ask you a question? "." Why not, you can tell me anything bro"Ohm said. " I want to ask you....... that............. is it okay for me to like a boy ? ".


A/N - I wonder who he is hinting at?

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