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Heeey I'll just skip the scenes the I want, okay? So that we'll go far in no time...anywaaay here's EP11 haha


You balanced yourself on the fence, walking back and forth while Zoro eyed you very well. "You know, that's a really dumb way to die."

"I'm practicing."

"Practicing?" Zoro repeated. "What do you mean?"

"My focus and balance." You said as you nearly tripped and fell, thankfully, Zoro immediately caught your arm and held it.

"See what I told you?"

"I was about to die." You laughed, jumping off the fence, his hands still holding yours. You two looked at each other then on your held hands then to each others eyes. You both then pulled your hands away and break the eye contact. You cleared your throat and tucked your hair behind your ear. "B-but you held me, so thanks."


"Our captain's been gone a long time." One boy said, thankfully breaking the awkward atmosphere of you two.

"Luffy, too." Zoro added, crossing his arm as you slapped his back, earning a groan from him. 

"He'll be fine!" You sing.

"How can you be so positive?"

"It's my nature." You hummed and sit beside Nami. "But seriously, he's gone a long time."

"Took you long enough." Zoro stated, resting his hands on his covered swords.

"He watches the sea on the shore when he's feeling down." The green-haired boy said.

"Oh? Y/n..where'd you get your bracelet and necklace if you don't mind me asking." Nami turned to you and examined your wrist and neck. 

"Oh! Shanks and my brothers gave it to me... And the pendant was given by my other late brother."

"Oh? Luffy gave it to you?"

"Nope! My other brother, why'd you ask?"

"It's rarely seen especially your bracelet..."

"Oh-" You were cut off at a sudden yell. "Ha!" The purple haired boy yelled, looking at the opposite direction as the two joined him. "HAH!" They shouted together. "Captain!"

You and Nami look at where the three is looking. "Huh? Wasn't Luffy with him?" Zoro asked. 

"Captain!" The three greeted but he shove them out of the way. Usopp got closer to where you're sitting.

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