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let's go meet Laboon!

"Nami-swan~ I have a report of love!" Sanji announced from the crow's nest, looking through the telescope. "I see big rain clouds up ahead! There's a storm under them."

After you guys manage to slip away from the navy, and Eric (damn i hate that guy), and also managed to help Apis return Grandpa Ryu to the Millennial Dragons' nest, y'all did not spend more days and continued heading ahead, going to the Twin Capes, to the Red line.

"Looks lie we're back on our original course." Nami whispered while you just hummed, resting your elbow on the railings and resting your chin on your crumpled fist.

"At this kind of time, we should be seeing the Red Line now." You stated, now standing on the railings, looking up ahead.

"The Grand Line, at last!" Luffy beamed happily, slapping Sanji on his back while the cook looks he'll about to kick his captain. "At last, we're going! we're going!"

"That hurt!" He kicked Luffy's face, tick mark appearing on his head.

"Sorry!" Luffy said.

"But, is it really like it's drawn here?" Nami breathed, stressing a bit.

"Look at this!" Nami put the map on the table after everyone gathered in the kitchen. "I'd heard the rumors about it and it's drawn on this map, too!-" She put her hand on her waist as everyone gave her a confuse look. "-If it really is true, then the entrance to the Grand Line is a mountain!"

"A mountain?" Luffy repeated. "We gotta crash into a mountain?" 

You looked at him after hearing his suggestion. "Bakajanaino?"

"Just a suggestion." He shrugged as you just rolled your eyes.

"A dumb one." You scoffed.

"No, you are!" He growled a bit.

"No, you are!" You fired back, pulling his hair.

"You can't be serious." Sanji said, focusing on the map while you and Luffy continued bickering.

"I didn't believe it myself." Nami said while Luffy just look at the two of you and Zoro. Nami's blood is boiling at the very moment, can't explain properly from you and Luffy's noise.

"You are the most idiot person!" You yelled, pushing his head off as he pulled your ear. "Almost got eaten by a crocodile? How stupid!"

"Well you..." He trailed off, thinking for a counter. "You got attacke by a monkey!"

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