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A very cloaked man, tattoo on his face and clarifyingly on the left side has been walking under the rain, smile plastered on his face.

"The inherited will... The tide of the times... People's dream... These things cannot be stopped. As long as people seek the answer of freedom, these things will never cease to be!"

"A pirate, huh? Fine by me."

"What's with this storm?" Zoro hissed.

"If we don't leave soon, we'll be stuck here." Sanji said as you run faster, near Luffy but not too far from the two. "Nami-san was right when she said we should hurry back to the ship!"

"Just keep running, and we'll get there.." You stated as Luffy just happily run.

"Run! Run! Run! Run!"

Cabaji stepped and jump high, higher than the marines. "Special Move: Carnival of Colors!" He slashed his sword in the air as different colors came from the slashing and made some of the navies fell. Alvida hit the navies with her iron club and made them on a 'love struck'. One navy then planned to held her hands but slipped.


Attacking me is a waste of time.." Alvida stated and touched her face. "There isn't a man alive who can touch my smooth skin."

Buggy moved his fingers before getting up, burn image planted in different spot of his body. "For a second there, I saw a field filled with flowers."

"Captain Buggy, you're alive." Cabaji said, slashing an enemy off.

"No way I'd die!"

"Buggy, this isn't good. They're marines from headquarters. There'll be no end to them." Alvida said while fighting but eyed Buggy.

"I could care less if the marines wants to stick their nose into..." He stopped in realization of what he said. "Whose nose did you say is sticking out?" He punched one of his crew in the mouth.

"I didn't say anything like that.." Was all he could say before blacking out.

"What're we going to do?" Alvida asked after hitting a love struck navy.

"Gomu Gomu! Go after Gomu Gomu! And that Shanks!"

"Shanks? Shanks isn't here, Captain.." One of his crew said as Buggy made weird sounds.

"Go after that Gomu Gomu and Y/n!" Buggy said. "You're very much like your mother, Y/n... But I know you'll be the greatest." (Aren't ya great? 😉)

"Mohji and Richie should've burned his ship by now! He can't leave this island! We'll kick his ass and leave this island, guys!" Buggy continued, grinning manically.

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