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"Are you sure you'll be okay, Y/n-san? We can go back to ship if you're not so well." You and Sanji walk side by side along the street.

"I'm okay, Sanji-kun." You reassured. "Let's just go with your shopping."

"I've been looking all over for you, Sanji." A feminine voice from behind both of you suddenly said as you two look back, seeing a woman. "For ten years!" The people stopped and look at her as you and Sanji blankly stare at her.

"Her name is Carmen.." A masculine voice from behind her piped in.

"She's the No.1 cook in the East Blue." Another one said as you stifle your laugh.

"Do you guys know that Sanji-kun exist?" You asked them while pointing your thumb at Sanji as he swooned over you.

"Gyaaah! Y/n-swaaan~ you're flustering me..." He said in a high-pitched voice as you sweatdropped.

"Um...okay?" You were unsure what to reply so you just stand there, awkwardly as Sanji's busy calming his flustered posture.

"Who's this beautiful maiden?" The man from 'Carmen's' back said, making his way at you but he stood infront of you to block your frame.

"Don't think about it, Zoro and Luffy will come after you..." Sanji warned as you blinked your eyes and nervously chuckle of the things he'll say after. "And yesss~ she's beautiful than the stars at night~" Sanji cooed as you sighed in victor after guessing his statement correctly and slapped his back.

"This lady have a business with you." You calmly said and he knows.. he knows your message. He gulped and turn his attention at the pink haired lady, setting your things beside you for the meantime.

The three got into a- let's just say an intro as you and the blonde cook just look at them.  "I'm a woman of passion. People call me Fiery Carmen.." The woman said and danced a bit together with her two apprentice. "Ole!"

"And I'm Carmen's first apprentice, Leo.." The blonde introduced.

"I'm her second apprentice, Jose.." The other one with no eyeballs said as your eyes widened in horror.

"There's no way I'm the only one who's seeing this..." You frantically thought.

A smoke came from the holes as you nearly collapsed. "He's abnormal.." You mumbled to yourself as his eyes suddenly burst open as your head's spinning.

Kill me right now

"Wow! How beautiful you are!" You sighed in unfailed expectation coming from the only Sanji while he kneels on the ground while saying that as Carmen gave him a done look.

"Say what?" The crowd exclaimed and unison.

"To think that you've looked all over for me! What a lucky man I am!" Sanji continued, inlove energy surrounding him and starts walking towards the woman and took her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Carmen." He softly said and made his lips closer to the back of her palms as Leo gave an unimpressed look.

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