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"We really need to go now." You grunted, pacing back and forth.

"Yeah, you're right." Zoro hummed. "Let's go Usopp."

"Wh-why me?!" Usopp asked, shaking in fear as you sighed and pulled his nose. "W-wait- Y/n! Stop it!" Usopp cried as you let go of him.

"You'll start walking or I'll drag you along by your nose." You raised a brow at him, crossing your arms.

"I'll go. I'll go!" Usopp rubbed his nose as Nami hold your hand, stopping you three in your tracks.

"You two go, Y/n will stay with me." Nami stated as you furrowed your brows.

"Uh- why?" You asked her.

"I can't protect myself you know! S-so it's better for Zoro and Usopp to go while you stay with me." She explained as you stare at her then sighed.

"Alright." You smiled at her then winked and face the two. "Just give me a signal if you need help."

Zoro nodded as Usopp then step closer a bit. "Actually Y/n, maybe you should go while I stay here."

Nami then beat him up. "No! She's staying with me! Girls and girls!"

"R-right." Usopp simply replied and pushed Zoro to get going. "Let's go Zoro, She's a devil."

Minutes later,

"It's gotten quite." Yosaku stated who's sitting on the step with Johnny sitting on a step below his while you're sitting on the railing near the step they're sitting on.

"Big bro Zoro went in there. It should be alright." Johnny added as you eyed them two then back at the restaurant.

"It's Zoro we're talking, of course it'll be alright." You told them.

"You got a point there Big Sis Y/n." Johnny and Yosaku hummed, still not facing any other direction, then turned to you. 

"What if we go in there too, Big Sis Y/n?" Yosaku asked as you giggled making them blush.

"It's fine by me but you should also ask Nami." You smiled and then you three turned to her.

"Big Sis Nami, should we go in there, too?" Johnny asked but no response from the other girl who kept looking at a piece of parchment.

"Big Sis Nami-"

"Ah! Ugh!" Johnny was stopped from calling Nami after Yosaku fell on the step his sitting on together with Johnny and made their lips attach together by accident, you couldn't help but teasingly laugh at the two.

"I didn't know you two are something else~" You teased even more which made the two gagged and blush from embarrassment but then look at Nami seriously.

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