24 (P2)

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"...not just that!" Nami suddenly exclaimed as you furrowed your eyebrows at her in confusion. "In this area-" Her statement faded after the ship moved hard, upwards. It's like the sea is lifting it up. "Y/n, this is not the right time for jokes!"

"I'm doing nothing!" You yelled back at her. Acussing you for such thing that you didn't exactly did. Hilarious.

"What's going on?!" Usopp frantically rambled as everyone began to panic a little as well.

"Something's coming this way!" Apis informed.

The sea began to fully lift the boat up, making it rack and move in place. "Here they are!" Nami yelled, holding unto the railings. You and Luffy are standing in the front portion of the ship. Not three seconds have passed, you two made an eye contact with a HUGE creature.

"They're so huge!" Luffy exclaimed beside you as the ship's resting on a sea monster's beak. Everyone looks at the surrounding with a horrific look, including you and Luffy but giggling and chuckling a bit.

"The Calm Belt is the nest of the Sea Kings." Nami's tears streamed down on her little face, hugging the mast.

"A sea monster ate my father's arm." You shrugged, remembering the time when Shanks saved you and Luffy. "I accidentally called one. Pretty hilarious, actually." You chuckled a bit. 

"There's no time for chuckling, Y/n!" Nami yelled at you as you then shrugged and walked towards the railing and stepping on and stand on it.

"Hello." You greeted and waved at the creature who's completely ignoring you. "What a snob." You rolled your eyes and jump off. Walking around like a pro.

"Stop walking around!" Usopp yelled at you as you guys felt an eye looking at your direction. Nami quickly covered his mouth as a huge frog jumped in the ship's direction.

"A huge frog is coming!" Luffy yelled as you stopped from walking casually. The sea monster that the ship docked moved a little making Apis fell.

"Apis!" You called her name, ready to save her but Luffy has already stretched his arms while holding at the railings. The little girl uncovered her eyes as Luffy then swing his arms up.

"Luffy! Do you have the power of a devil fruit?" She asked, surprised.

"Yeah, that's right." Luffy replied, pulling his arms back. Apis then looked at the monster's nose then back at Luffy.

"Luffy, stretch your arms downwards again!" She said as Luffy did what he was told to do. 

"Hey, Luffy!" Usopp called out, as you just yawned for nothing 'amazingly cool' happened... just yet.

"What're you doing?" Nami asked, hugging the mast.

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