ASLY (continued..)

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     To the sea someday! The pledge of the    four brats!

Another day to waste with the three is your part of your daily routine. You yawned while Sabo who's beside you getting ready. You're the scorer and next to fight the winner is Sabo.

Luffy yelled before attacking the freckled boy. "Here I come!"

"Gomu gomu no!" Luffy chanted to wake his technique, (jjk? Hahahaha) he spinned his right hand while his left holding his right shoulder. Ace is unfazed by his action.

"Pistol!" Luffy shouted as you and Ace's mouth agape but Luffy's punch directly hit the ground and it bounce back, hitting his own face.

"Now tell me..." Ace sighed and kicked Luffy. "What are you doing?"

You stifle your laugh and draw a point on Ace's name. "One point goes to Acey!"

"Acey?" Ace repeated, more like confused.

"Ya! I made that nickname! Anyways- Sabo, you're next!" You cheered, leaving a blushing Ace while you help a dizzy and beat up Luffy.

The two got into their fighting stance and then seconds on attack each other in a hand to hand combat, they then back away after a few punch launched.

They got into a glaring contest before attacking again but this time, Sabo missed with Ace hitting his torso with a sly smirk.

"I win, Sabo!" Ace punched him once more which send the blonde back in the ground with Ace following.

"Damn it!" Sabo hissed.

"Darn it! It's always a close fight between Ace and Sabo!" Luffy grunted as you happily step forward.

"I'm next!" You squealed as Ace smirked.

"I won't go easy on you, sweet face." He cockily warned as you smirked back.

"So am I,"

You and Ace got into your flighting positions. You waited for him to attack first which he obliged. He raise his feet to kick you in the face, however you manage to dodge it. You then kicked him using you left leg which he flawlessly dodged. You gasped and then felt an impact on your right waist which send you backwards.

"Awe, man! How did I lose!" You whined as Ace help you up.

"'Cause you can't win." Ace teasingly said.

"Okay! Next is Sabo and Luffy!" You announced as you and Ace stand by.


Sabo run fast towards Luffy to launch an attack, Luffy didn't budge to move nor flinch at Sabo's action instead he just stand there like a stone and stupidly smiles.

"Shouldn't you run? I have no mercy!" Sabo roared, earning a chuckle from Luffy.

"Gomu gomu no--" Luffy started.

"Huh? Gum again?" Sabo complained but still continue to run.

"--Shield!" Luffy finally said as he stretch his fingers. Your hopes went down, sighing while letting yourself down.

"That's just stretching your fingers." Sabo mumbled, sighing as he stop after getting closer to Luffy and stretch his arms towards the younger boy which made him stumble back.

Ace sighed, "Like I was saying, is there any point of having that kind of power?"

Luffy jump up from his laying position, disappointed and upset. "Damn it, it's not working! It was so close!"

"It's not even close to a one fourth." You told him as he kept going wild. (Not the sexy wild, the wild wild)

"One more time!" Luffy ordered as Ace turned to you and then back at Luffy.

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