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"The old man said it was 22 years ago that the King of Pirates died here..." Luffy fanboyed at the scenery before him, feeling on cloud nine.

"Hey, you over there!" A voice suddenly interfered his excitement. "Come down right now!"

"Why?" The stubborn strawhat complies, stubbornness inheriting from the one and only.

"That's a special execution platform under control of the World Government! Come down right now!"

"Well, you don't have to be so strict, Officer!"

"If you don't come down then I'll just arrest you. I'm coming up now." He warned but a club touched and hit his head making him unconscious.

"Now's not the time for small fries." She stated, looking up at Luffy who just stare down at her, confused. "I've been looking for you, Luffy, long time no see!" She smiled and giggled a little while Luffy just can't processing anything. "Don't tell me you forgot my face?"

"How beautiful!"

"She's so pretty!"

"She's a woman of unrivaled beauty!" The crowd said with heart eyes, even girls.

Luffy's sweat dropped, carefully looking at the woman. "I don't know anyone like you. Who the heck are you?"

"I will never forget you because you're the first man who hit me." The woman sneered.

"What? I hit you?" Luffy clarified, earning a groan, grunt and complain from the crowd.

"When your passionate fist hit me that time..." She paused and rubbed her stomach then traveled to her face. "Oh, it felt good.." She softly huffed as Luffy made a disgust sound and look. "You guys, what's the most beautiful thing in the East Blue?" She cockily asked everyone.

Everyone pointed at her and said. "That'd be you!"

That's because you haven't met Y/n, yet...

"That's right. There's no man in this world who doesn't bow before my beauty." She continued, raising her hand flawlessly. "And I like strong men." She then dreamily look a the man above who's giving her disgust look. "I will make you mine, Luffy."

"Shut up! No way!" Luffy snapped at her. "Y/n doesn't like you so why would I? Half of my decision will be decided by Y/n!"

"That damn sea witch.." She hissed as few whispers was heard behind her and then lots of footsteps appearing.

"This is the police! Woman, come quietly." They ordered, aiming a gun at her. "You're under arrest for harming the police captain!" He said and then turned to Luffy. "And you, get down from the execution platform!"

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