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After the little violence Sanji, the Sous Chef and Zeff, the owner. "Alright! You have a permission!" Luffy slapped his shoulders. "Now you can be a pirate!"

"No way!" He snapped and then arranged the table and set two desserts and beverage for you and Nami. "Sorry about that m'ladies." He apologized. "I'm going to make up for it by serving you two a fruit macedonia." He continued as you and Nami were, let's say trap...at least, on both of his arms.

"Wow, thank you Sanji-kun..." You exclaimed slowly with sparkle spread your eyes, clasping your palms together.

"You're so kind.." Nami beamed as Sanji gave you two a that look.

"And no apology to us?" Usopp interrupted with anger on his voice. "I'm gonna sue you, you stupid love cook!"

The cook then leaned closer to Usopp's face which made his nose face sideward. "I served you tea, aren't I? You should thank me for that, long nose."

"Huh? You wanna fight? I won't go easy on you." Usopp spat then faced Zoro. "Beat him up, Zoro."

"Do it yourself." Zoro sweatdropped at Usopp.

"I can serve you more, Y/n-san!" Sanji exclaimed as you felt the chair beind pulled, you look back seeing Zoro pulling it, scowl on his face. "Just what do you think you're doing?"

"The co-captain should be close to the first mate. "Shrugged Zoro. "Away from others and... harm."


You then clapped your hand once and pushing the two out of your face. "Please stop."

"Yes, I will stop." The simp cook said shortly as gaining a small smile and giggle from Nami. Sanji then kneeled, facing Nami with heart eyes and took her hand. "Your giggle are music to my ears, I can't take this...this is to much." He said in a shy voice which made you look at him blankly.

"Stop it now Sanji!" He grunted as Nami then look at the cook. "Stop flirting with my navigator! As well as my sister or Zoro will cut you."

"I can fight him-"

"Anyway, you know... The food here is delicious..." Nami stated with a bit flirty sweet voice, shutting Sanji off. "But it's too expensive for me." She continued, rubbing Sanji's chin using her index finger.

"O-of course it will be free for you two." Sanji stated as Nami squealed and hugged him.

"Really? Thank you." Nami said. 

"You guys pay for it." Sanji said, facing Usopp and Zoro.

"What?" Usopp seethe from behind as Zoro kept sweatdropping.

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