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Warning: First of all thanks for reading. English is not my first language so there may be some mistakes. There are some swearing words along with sexual words and scenes. I might make some mistakes because I'm new to Formula 1 and I tried to research everything before writing but some things are hard to find (I accept any help you can give me tho).

Every character and name are merely representative and I do not mean to insult anyone, but someone will be the villain (or not) so if it's your idol I'm sorry. Some family names/birthdays are made up because there are pieces of information that are, obviously, not made public. Some facts and results may be changed to better fit the story.


♪ Laying in the silence
Waiting for the sirens ♪

September 8th, 2021 - Italy

Chloé Hubert POV

I woke up and my head was hurting, I drank too much last night. I looked to my left and saw the random guy I slept with, a good choice tho. I slowly get out of bed, put my dress on and leave with the heels in my hands. When I finally close his apartment door I put my heels on and head downstairs. I caught a taxi to my hotel and when I got to my hotel room I see my two friends watching TV.

"Was the night good?" Julia asks and I see Anna laughing.

"As good as yours" I say and start to head to the bathroom.

"Do you want to go for lunch after?" They ask and I do a thumbs up and close the door.

After the shower, I do my routine quickly and when I look in the mirror I regret it. Anthoine would've hated seeing me like this and here I am, disappointing him day after day. I can't believe I came to the place where he died. A part of me died that day, I got... numb. They came with me for support and it counts as a vacation for the three of us. On the 31st we were in Belgium and I went to the Spa circuit. 2 years have passed and I can't get over it. So we were there and quickly came to Milan to have our deserved vacation.

"Let's go" I say getting out of the bathroom and they excitedly get up.

"Let's go eat in here" Anna says pointing at a restaurant that looked pretty fancy but I nod and we go inside. The three of us make good money, so why not?

"This is fancy" Julia says when we sit down.

"Hello ladies. We have a big group so we hope that doesn't disrupt your experience, we normally don't accept it but at this time it's only the group and 3 other tables so I believe it will go unnoticed" The waiter says and he looked so nice.

"Of course, don't worry" I say with a smile and he gives us the menus.

"The food here even sounds delicious" Anna says reading the menu.

"The food here makes me hungry just thinking about it" Julia says and we laugh.

"Let's just order before we start drooling" I say while we laughed. We decide and ask what we wanted.

"When will we go back home?" Julia asks and I think about it.

"I really don't know, I have to be on the 22nd with my mom and Victhor to in some kind of way celebrate Anthoine's birthday, more like his memory and life" I say and we get quiet for a bit.

"Maybe on the 20th we can go back or the 19th, have a day or two to sleep all day, and then go back to our normal lives" Anna says and I think it is a pretty good idea.

"Sounds good to me, we have time" I say and they nod.

Julia is a model, she is obviously French too, Anna is a freelancer in marketing so she is jumping from project to project. I am the CEO of my own clothing brand and own a few small businesses worldwide under a different name to keep anonymity.

We got lunch done, and we heard the group talking but they weren't even in our eyesight so that's even better. Julia went to the bathroom and I heard her raising her voice to a man who I've seen before at a table with another man. I and Anna get up and go there.

"What's happening?" I ask in French to make sure they didn't understand and the man looks at me up and down.

"You could've just said your friends looked even better. I would've left you alone" He says smiling at me and I look at him with the most disgusted look I could give.

"Listen you ugly fucking excuse of a human being. We don't want you, none of us. So take a no and sit your ass down or I'll sit it for you" I say and his friend stops laughing, the guy smirks and lets out a laugh.

"Baby girl, you young girls have so many daddy issues. I will make you feel like a woman for the first time in your life" He says getting closer and I give him a smile, a daring one.

"Touch me even slightly and I guarantee that I will put you in a hospital bed and it will be self-defense. Don't go that low baby" I say letting out a laugh, should I tell him I'm trained in martial arts or...? Yeah, I will let it be. It's my secret weapon.

"Come here, I will pay for your lunch" He says and touches my arm. Next thing he knows he had his face against the wall with his arm still under my control and close to being broken.

"I won't pay for your medical bills but you will learn how not to touch a woman without consent. Baby." I say and I push harder and he screams, I let him go and the friend looks terrified.

"That was badass" Anna says laughing, she laughs when she gets nervous. I do it too but I'm furious right now. But I won, so fuck it.

"You broke my shoulder" The creep says and I laugh.

"Maybe or maybe is dislocated. But now you learn that you should keep to your level and also take a no anyways. Don't be weak baby" I say turning away from him and going to the table to pick my purse up and take theirs too.

"Miss, while he hasn't left I can't let you leave. If he wants to press charges you need to be here" A manager comes to me saying and I smile.

"He won't press charges, that would mess with his pride. But I will wait don't worry" I say and sit down at the table where they were. They pay and quickly get out while I waved at them with a smile.

"I love you so much. Let me pay for your lunch, you are my hero" Julia says and I laugh. She pays and I get up to leave.

"It was really you" I hear and I turn around and look at the man in front of me. Oh dear God, why did you have to do this to me?

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