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♫ Don't know if you get it 'cause I can't express how thankful I am
That you were always with me when it hurts, I know that you'd understand ♫

Chloé Hubert POV

I went inside because my mom was calling me and I was followed by Victhor.

"When were you gonna say that you were dating Pierre?" My mom asks surprised.

"I'm not dating Pierre though. I wasn't going to lie. I told you I found him in Milan" I say and Victhor laughs.

"Oh, come on! I saw it there. You were clearly flirting. Sitting on his lap? You would prefer to sit on a recently watered grass than on his lap like 3 weeks ago" He says clearly amused by all of this.

"He is a nice guy! We are friends, that's it" I say and my mom smiles.

"I always knew you two had something else. You are too fucking stubborn Chloé, take the chance while you can, he won't wait around forever" She says and I laugh.

"Wait forever? He is a playboy, he can get any girl he wants. He has the money, fame, cars, looks, and charm. He isn't waiting for anyone" I say starting to get out into my backyard.

"We will support your decision to date him, you don't need to hide it" She says and I roll my eyes.

"I am not dating Pierre Gasly. I'm still pretty much single" I say and my brother laughs.

"As long as you don't date Esteban Ocon I'm fine with it" He says and sits in his place in front of Pierre.

I talk to people a bit more as they start leaving until it was only Pierre, his parents, my mom, and my brother. We went inside and sat on the couch.

"I love your house, it's so well decorated, it's your personality all the way" Pascale says and I smile.

"I love it too, minimalist but luxurious. It's my one and only so I put a lot of work and money into it" I say and she smiles.

"Does work allows you to travel a lot or do you work from home?" Jean asks and I think a bit about it.

"I started it from home but we have several warehouses that I visit from time to time. I have some meetings with the different departments about new collections and new employers, and all the legalities with the lawyers. But I'm mostly home. I have the main building close to here and a filial in the USA to make it easier. I traveled a bit these past two years with Julia and Anna" I say and he looks interested.

"Maybe you and Pierre can travel together now. He travels a lot too and you have the possibility to join him, maybe you will do it from time to time" He says looking at Pierre who made him a sign to shut up.

"I told him I will visit him more in Milan and probably other countries when he has time for me. We will schedule it so it doesn't bother either of us" I say and he looks pleased with the answer.

"Well, you can give us a heads up if it's close by, that way we will give you some company" Pascale says clearly proud of her son.

"I think Pierre can warn you anytime we schedule for my honorable presence" I say and they laugh.

"Well, we should get going. Thank you for today and I want to tell you all we are very proud of how far you've come from something that usually ruins families, you let it bring you closer and you are an example. I hope our families can still meet like we have done for the last 18 years" Pascale says looking at the three of us and I smile.

"We wouldn't make it without everyone's support, we learned we are not alone" My mom says hugging her. We say our goodbyes and suddenly I watched everyone leave.

I went back inside running my hand through my hair, I felt nervous and anxious. Pierre was making me feel something and I don't like it, I don't want to be played, and I don't want to be another one but I flirted to see his reaction, and I have it now. What am I gonna do with it? I don't even know. But now I know there's a physical attraction on both sides. I cleaned it all up, which was basically putting everything in the dishwasher in multiple rounds and throwing leftovers that weren't salvageable out.

The next day I had Anna and Julia there and told them what I did. Their jaws dropped and I waited for them to rationalize what I just told them.

"You sat on his lap?" Anna asks surprised.

"And you called it a seat?" Julia asks matching Anna's energy. I nod to both and just shrug.

"I had to do something. But I know he got nervous, he is attracted to me. There is one more reason this could go wrong. I have to keep this in messages and barely meet him in person, no drinking around him, nothing of that type" I say and they start laughing out of nowhere.

"I wish that man was attracted to me, if you don't want him I will gladly take your place and seat" Julia says pretty seriously.

"Back off. That won't happen, but Pierre doesn't do serious and I don't like fucking around with people I know. It always goes wrong" I say and they look at each other with a smirk.

"We have been thinking about it. We honestly think Pierre had a crush on you. We have some memories who support that theory" Julia says but now I'm the one laughing.

"Pierre would never have a crush on me. Do you even remember how we were? He treated me nowhere close to how Esteban did. I don't believe it" I say crossing my arms pretty skeptical.

"Exactly! You never liked Esteban back then and maybe annoying you was his way of communicating with you. You didn't care about men until you went into your rebellious phase way later than usual" Anna says but I shake my head.

"I refuse to believe that. Move on from that stupid theory" I say and they shrug.

It was a difficult afternoon arguing with them but dinner shut them up and quickly changed the subject. It was a win-win situation.

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