𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟯𝟰

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♪ E se não dá, então há que assumir (And if it's not working, you have to accept)
Eu já não vou remar, eu já não vou guiar contra à mão (I'm not going to keep paddling, I'm not going to keep driving the wrong way) ♪

Pierre Gasly POV

I avoided Charles at all costs. I entered my car at the last possible moment. I only saw him once I was heading out of the media pen. He ran in my direction and stopped in front of me. He got on the podium, so he still had to enter the media pen, I am off the hook already.

"You need to hear me! Fucking hell! This is serious, Pierre!" He says, as I try to walk faster, some people look, and I stop.

"What is it?" I ask angrily.

"Chloé-" I turn my back, seriously considering ignoring him but his next words made it impossible. "Chloé is in the hospital!" He whispers loudly, probably not wanting people to hear him; I turn around to look at his expression as I try to find a sign of a lie.

"What do you mean? Why is she in the hospital?" I ask quietly, my heart pounding off my chest.

"The doctors suspect she was roofied at the bar she went to. When I returned to the hotel, she was being taken by an ambulance. She overdosed and was having a seizure. From what Anna and Julia told me, she is stable, but she almost died. I think her heart stopped for enough time for concerns to be raised."

I felt dizzy and sick from the information being strung upon me.

"Which hospital? Where is she Charles?" I ask desperately and he shrugs.

"She was just released. Anna signed the responsibility waiver; she needs to be monitored to make sure she has no seizures again. They are heading to the hotel now, she is going to get the things from your room before you get there. She is not taking it well mentally. I just think you should know, it changes things," Charles says worriedly, and I nod.

I left the fastest I could. I warned them why I was leaving this fast, and a wave of surprising understanding came from the team once I told Chloé was in the hospital. I texted Julia when I was in the lobby, and she said she was in our hotel room; she wanted to go in alone.

"Fuck!" She yells as I enter the room, she appears from under the bed, a paper in her hands. A handwritten letter.

"Is that Anthoine's handwriting?" I ask, startling her in the process. Her eyes meet mine for a split second before she looks away, her eyes are red and puffy. 

"I- I didn't notice it had slipped under the bed when I got dressed. I thought you would've read it by now," she says, her tone lower than usual, very close to a whisper.

"I wouldn't read it even if I found it. It's addressed to you, I don't do that."

"It's addressed to both of us," she says as she hands me the paper. I see both our names there.

I sit on the bed and read it, probably read it two or three times. The tears made it difficult to read, but I cleaned them as I calmed myself down. I know why she relapsed; I understand the need for drinking. 

"I'm sorry. I should've never left this room. I was overwhelmed," she says as she keeps the distance between us and I look up at her.

"You and Esteban-" she interrupts me, her face showing her dislike for the few words I'd spoken.

"No. Don't- I- I didn't know it was him. I thought it was you. He was wearing the Alpine shirt, and all the faces were so blurry. Everything was a blur, but I thought it was you. Whenever I think about those things, your face and voice come up. I can't explain it. The doctor said it was me hallucinating. You don't need to forgive me, it's inexcusable," she tells me, and I look at the floor.

"Nothing ever happened before? He said he loved you, and he called you mon amour. This is the right moment to confess to anything, Chloé. I am already down; there is no need to lie," I say as I stand up, taking a few steps in her direction. Our eyes locked, her confused expression taking a stab at my heart. She looked lost, and I hate that.

"I am as confused as you. I really thought it was you. I don't know how this happened. I would never cheat on you. I can't believe I did this," the tears fill her eyes, and I pull her closer, hugging her tightly as I feel my own tears rolling down my face and stopping where my face met the curve of her neck.

"Were you in the hospital? Did I really leave you alone in a hospital?" I ask once I see the bandage on her hand.

"I understand why you did. I can't blame you for any action you take from now on. What I did is unforgivable. I am so so sorry," she sobs, and I lift up her chin.

"Baby, you were drugged; you had no idea what you were doing. You almost died. Stop apologizing; there is nothing to apologize for, and there is nothing to forgive. I love you. Do you love me mon coeur?" I ask as I clean her tears, and she nods frantically.

"I love you so much, Pierre. You were all I could think about since I woke up. You didn't deserve this," she says, and I nod.

"We didn't deserve this, but we have each other. Can I kiss you?" I ask as our lips almost touch and she kisses me.

I felt at home and in peace again. Call me stupid or dumb. But she had no idea what was happening last night. That wasn't her, and I can't hold her accountable. If I let the love of my life go just like that, I would be throwing the towel way too quickly. 


Hello my loves ❤️

I hope your holidays are going well with everyone you love.

For 2024 I wanted to offer everyone a new story and I will leave you some options so I can see what interests you most.

Here they are:

It's You - Charles Leclerc

Betting on Love - George Russell

Obsession - Christian Horner

Second Chance - Toto Wolff

Rich and Ruined - Lance Stroll

I hope any of this peaks your interest, and if you want to know more, I might tell you by message if you care enough to ask 😂.

I want to thank you all for the support I've had throughout this year, and I hope I can keep creating amazing stories you all love.

Love you all ❤️

All For Love ∞ Pierre GaslyWhere stories live. Discover now