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♪ I keep it dark, I keep it quiet
But then you come around and light me up ♪

Chloé Hubert POV

Sleeping with Pierre was not a good idea, at all. But when I saw Anastasia I was even more mad because she is an influencer who has the ego of a supermodel, she tried to get a sponsorship with my brand, I became a luxury brand and she wanted in, but I told her no.

She went on a rant about how I was missing out and all that. It was a full kid tantrum. I never even looked her way, her popularity has been on a spiral and I think it's because she tried to do the same to too many people.

"He is in love with you, is it that hard to realize?" Anna asks when I arrive by their side and I roll my eyes, they have been implying that ever since we had sex.

"He is not, leave that alone, I am tired of hearing about that. Pierre is Pierre, he will find something more interesting at the party on Sunday and I will be forgotten, it was a quick fuck to let the sexual tension out, there is no need to make this something out of control," I say and they look at each other and shrug.

"I hope you leave that party together because that man has lost all ability to look at another woman since you came back into his life," Julia says confidently and I nod.

"Of course, he has turned blind since I came back into his life," I say ironically and they laugh.

"You are so stubborn, I feel like I want to choke you, maybe give you a sense of reality while you think I am about to kill you for not taking advantage of that man because you like him too. This is a total waste of two perfectly hot people," Julia says angrily and the three of us laugh.

But they had some truth in their words. Pierre never took his eyes off of me the whole weekend. When I went to look at him, he was already looking at me. And if I feel something more for him then it means he feels something too.

Sunday came around, and Pierre finished in 7th place, Charles in 5th, and Lando in 10th so since they were all on the points we could celebrate. They had the party scheduled for the rental anyway. Max, the second place of today, showed up too obviously. He is so funny when he is drunk, and since Daniel was here it was even funnier.

"Let me try something," I mutter as I see Pierre is on the opposite end of the pool party we were. The girlfriends and boyfriends are all separated right now.

They all looked up at me confused but my eyes were focused on the very tanned and hot man who was sitting by the edge of the pool, do I know him? No. Do I want to? No. I just want a reaction, anything will do.

"Hey! Enjoying the party?" I ask with a cheeky smile and he looks up at me, okay he is handsome.

"I mean, it just got way better," the accent made it almost certain that he was local and I didn't care.

"I'm Chloé," I say as I sit beside him and I feel some eyes on me, who is looking at me? No idea but I am not going to look.

"Do you know any of the drivers?" He asks curiously and I nod.

"I know almost all of them, if not all. And you? How did you get the invite?" I ask as I pretend to be interested and I lean in closer, closer enough so that Pierre couldn't see through my hair and the distance between would make him sweat if he felt something.

"I was volunteering at the track and someone invited me, a coincidence. Are you the girlfriend or sister of any of them? Because the looks I'm getting make me think that you definitely are," he is amused by the situation and I laugh.

"I am not a girlfriend or a sister but some might consider me as such," I say confidently and he nods.

"Well, I can bet Leclerc is the one that considers you as a sister and Gasly is the one who considers you his girlfriend because if looks could kill I would've drowned by now," he jokes and I can't help but laugh. Do something, Pierre, react to my dirty game, I know it's low but I need to know.

"Your bet would be right, thank god we didn't discuss values. Do they scare you?" I ask teasingly and he is hesitant.

"I would like to say no but I am one and they are a fairly big group who stopped their entertainment to watch us. I think it's more serious than you made me think."

"I wouldn't worry about it, I've been here for 5 minutes and no one has moved," and with that, I got closer to him. If Pierre is not here in 2 minutes I think I will really kiss this guy.

"Are you trying to make him jealous? Because I think it's working enough, you don't need to go further," he says as he puts his hand on my waist and smirks.

Is Pierre for real? Is he not stopping me? Am I for real? Am I really not attracted to this guy? How am I hitting on a guy just to make Pierre jealous? Life has really fucked me up.

"Well, I guess it didn't work as well as I thought. Thank you though, you are pretty attractive, it's not you, it's me," I say as I kiss his cheek and he laughs.

"I told you," he says before I see someone appearing behind us and I look up to see if it would Charles to lecture me.

"I think that's enough," that is all I hear as I smile.

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