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♫ Early in the morning I still get a little bit nervous
Fighting my anxiety constantly, I try to control it ♫

Chloé Hubert POV

We each turned our backs to each other and I fell asleep faster than I could remember. I had no nightmares, my anxiety seemed under control. Usually, I woke up with shortness of breath or some type of bad feeling and then couldn't sleep anymore. But tonight I slept like a baby. Then I woke up and I was sleeping on his bare chest. 

His arm was around my waist, my leg was above his' and I had my arm resting on his abdomen. This is awkward. I try to calmly take his hand off my waist and that's when I hear his voice.

"I'm sorry, you calmed almost immediately when I hugged you" He whispers, and if it wasn't Pierre I would let this man be my husband.

"Did I wake you up?" I ask sitting on the bed and looking at him while he shakes his head.

"Not really. You were having some kind of trouble breathing and then your heart was beating really fast so I thought maybe it was a panic attack. Like the one you had in Spa. I got worried and I hugged you to try to calm you down and it worked" He says and I wanted a hole to put myself in.

"Sorry about that" I  try to make my hair decent before getting out of his bed. I looked at the time on my phone and it was 2 PM. 

"No problem. It's fine, it was only like 5 minutes" He says shrugging and getting out of bed too. I had missed calls from Julia and Anna. I sent them a text saying I was safe and that I would go meet them for lunch at a restaurant close to our hotel.

"Well thank you for letting me stay here, for sharing your bed with me, and for calming me down. You are a literal angel right now" I say and he laughs.

"No problem, I'm here for you"

"So we will see each other in France. Can you make it?" I ask and he quickly nods.

"I will go, for sure. Will you still go back on the 20th?" He asks and I nod.

"I will go back on the 20th, thank you for this weekend, it was definitely unforgettable. I never thought it would be this good to have you back in my life" I say and he opens his arms so I hug him.

"Thank you for this chance. Let's make it work" He says and we say our goodbyes. I go into the restaurant and they looked excited to see me.

"This weekend was so good. The guys are really cool. We have to do this more often" Anna says excitedly.

"One got laid and another got more jobs as a model. It's perfect. I got an old friendship back so it's pretty good" I say and they nod.

"By the way, your brand is trending. Looks like Charles and Pierre posted some pics with it" Julia says and I pick my phone up, even though it was discreet it was obvious to us they had done it on purpose.

"They are the best" I say with a huge smile.

"By the way, did you sleep at Pierre's apartment?" Julia asks and I nod shrugging.

"Of course, why not?"

"But I heard that you slept with Pierre, in his room and his bed" Anna says and I am shocked by the amount of information they had. Charles.

"I did, it was pretty casual. I got the right and he got the left" I say and they look at each other like they won the lottery.

"I can't believe it! You like him!" Anna says almost screaming but I shush her.

"Be quiet! I need to talk to you two. Just be discreet" I say and they quickly get quiet.

"What happened? Tell us" Anna says and I roll my eyes.

"I can't be with Pierre a lot of time. He's too... perfect. I don't like it. I like us being friends and I want to keep it. I don't want to fall for him and ruin it" I say and they basically freeze.

"He is too perfect?" Julia asks like it was the dumbest thing she ever heard.

"Chloé. I want to punch you right now. On the face" Anna says slowly and I am pretty surprised at the reactions.

"I'm being honest! He thought I was having a panic attack in the middle of the night and hugged me to keep me calm and it worked! It shouldn't be that easy. He cares for me and my feelings. He hugged me after he had a shitty race. He thought of me first. It's too good. Nothing is ever this good in my life" I say almost desperate. I need their help.

"And what do you think can go wrong and ruin it?" Julia asks pretty confusedly.

"Maybe I fall for him and he never falls for me. Maybe we both fall in love but I do some shit to push him away. Maybe I lose him like I lost Anthoine. Maybe he gets tired of me and goes live his life. I want this friendship to last for us and for Anthoine too" I say and they don't say anything for a few minutes. They looked a bit angry honestly.

"Babe, we love you. But not everything has a bad ending. You have had anxiety for as long as I remember, it got worse with the loss and trauma but you always had it. You and Pierre have been in each other's lives for 18 years. He knows what calms you, he knows what you like and how you are. He knows the bad and the good" Anna starts saying calmly.

"If you two fall in love and date I think that was something that was meant to happen years ago. Or maybe it was destiny for you two to meet when you are in pretty similar parts of your life with common interests. I really do think you two were made for each other. You complement each other. You need to not let negativity rule your life" Julia says also calmly and I only listened.

"I'm too scared to take that risk. I will think about it. I have at least one week until I see him again" I say and they nod.

"We will make the best of it and then you think about it when we get back" Julia says excitedly.

I need to think if I'm going to put boundaries between us or not. If I do I keep the friendship for sure. If I don't I risk feeling more than I should. Only time will help me decide.

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