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♬ Don't you worry
I'll be there, whenever you want me ♬

Chloé Hubert POV

Staying in a villa was a great idea, until I woke up Tuesday morning and looked outside to find a shirtless Pierre working out. That man is in great shape and I can't even start to put into words what I've imagined in my mind in the 5 minutes I couldn't even dare to look away. Why am I so hooked on him?

I mean, I've been with a few men to fill some kind of void in me and to get some type of temporary fun but this is not it. I've never felt this for a man and I don't want to. I headed downstairs with some casual clothes, I had a bikini underneath my shorts and my cropped top. I made breakfast and saw Pierre coming inside with his earbuds still on, he was all sweaty and my mind ran wild.

"Good morning! I didn't saw you there. Sorry," he says as he comes in my direction. I gulped nervous and I looked him up and down.

"Good morning, that's fine. I was just making breakfast and you are not going to hug me" I say as I take a step back, he chuckles and nods.

"I was just going to kiss your forehead," he says as he finally reaches me, he puts his hand on my head and leans me closer to kiss my forehead and I feel safe.

"Go take a quick shower and we can have breakfast, the girls must be coming down. Where are Charles and Lando?"

"Charles went for his run now, Lando went to a gym close by, and we started training at different times so we weren't synchronized. I will be back in 10 minutes" He says before he runs upstairs, I hear voices and see the girls coming down.

"He looks better every time I see him, don't even try to tell us he isn't attractive" Julia says as she sits down.

"He is attractive and that's why I should keep my distance, did you see him? He looked like a Greek god? If it was only physical I could very well deal with it but, you know" I stop myself because I didn't want to say the words and they nod while sharing a quick look with each other.

"But you have a emotional connection too" Anna completes my phrase and I nod disappointed in myself. Falling for Pierre Gasly? What a shit idea.

"You could've started eating" We hear his voice as he appears on the open space kitchen and we nod as we try to act normally. He sat by my side and we started eating.

Lando and Charles arrived and after two very quick showers joined us on the table. I was praised by my cooking skills and they made sure to clean the dishes while we sat down.

"How about we spend a day on the pool? Let's just relax today" Charles suggests as he looks at the three of us.

"That is why we have our bikinis ready" I say as I head outside quickly, would it be a good idea to see a shirtless Pierre again? No. Will I dislike it? Also no. Will it be like a self-punishment? Yes.

"You can't run today" Pierre says as he enters the pool right after me, pointing to the sunscreen that he left on his lounger

"Don't do that" I pout as I beg him but it was worthless.

"I have to, for your health," He says as he picks me up and sits me on the edge of the pool, he was between my thighs for a few seconds and I just shake my head while trying to shake the thoughts away.

"You are too stubborn" I say as he signals Charles to give him the sunscreen.

"Put it on or I will do it" He says as he hands me the sunscreen.

"That would be harassment" I say as I cross my arms.

"Would it really?" He asks as our eyes lock and I gulp nervously, shit.

"Probably not" I answer back more quietly and he smiles. But I could only focus on his eyes, with the sun hitting them, the blue in his eyes was almost hypnotizing, how is he single?

"I thought so too" He says as he leaves the pool and starts applying the sunscreen on my already dried back.

I got up and applied the sunscreen on the rest of my body as he sat on his lounge, he made it seem like he wasn't looking but he was, I could tell.

I went back into the pool and the girls joined me soon after applying sunscreen too, and so did the boys.

"You use sunscreen? You are always so red that this surprised me" Anna asks as a Charles covered in sunscreen enters the pool and I try not to laugh, he really overdid it.

"Yeah, but it never seems to be enough to stop sunburns" He shrugs it off and everyone laughs.

"You should apply more regularly and not in more quantity" Anna informs him as we swim to the opposite side of the pool from them.

"That was intense" Julia says as she looks at me but I just ignore her. "You should stop pretending you two are just friends, because you aren't. You like each other and you are crazily attracted to each other. This is just sad for us single girlies, what a waste of two crazily attractive people."

"That is a bad idea, have you seen us? We just get bored and move to the next" I say as I see him laughing with the guys.

"That is because it was purely physical, you know it" Julia counter-backs and I shake my head.

"Just leave me alone, I can do this"  I say confidently.

Deep inside, I have no confidence left. I don't know for how long I can play this off, but this can't get out of hand.

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