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♪ Hey, should I pray? Should I pray, yeah
To myself? To a God? ♪

Chloé Huber POV

I was mad, we got to the hotel and I blew up.

"I don't want to be in that world anymore, I don't want to see the people I love racing to death" I say as soon as the door closed and Julia takes a deep breath.

"Baby. We love you but you have to get through this. He would hate to see you like this. Just because it happened to him doesn't mean it will happen to everyone. They are professionals and accidents happen. They are your friends, they still adore you, you need them to go through this" Julia says in a calm tone.

"I can't do this. I will have an anxiety attack or worse, I can't see them driving again." I say starting to cry and they hug me.

"You aren't alone, we will be there through it. They will be there. You can't do this but you need to. Make him proud, you changed but you can always change for the better, he would want you to live your life. He loved this life so much, don't leave his memory behind" Anna says and I cry even more.

"I disappointed him so much, I wasn't as strong as I should've been. I broke down, he would be so disappointed. But he was my hero, he protected me and loved me unconditionally" I say getting it all out.

"We know. And unconditionally means he still loves you. There is no way to be strong when your brother dies Chloé, you were stronger than many would've been, you watched his death and survived. Nobody is prepared for that and nobody should be. But we will help you through this" Anna says and I nod.

"Please don't leave me alone there" I say cleaning my tears and taking deep breaths.

"We would never leave you alone" Julia says and I see Anna turning on the tv, she chooses a cheesy romantic movie and sits me on one of the beds to watch it and I laugh.

"Let's get happier, a new era begins now" Anna says happily and gets up to grab some candies and chocolate.

"We have ice cream in the freezer" Julia says going to get it and bringing three spoons.

"But I have to say. Pierre is way hotter than I remembered him" Anna says and I make a gagging noise.

"Gross, he looks like he always did. Annoying and self-centered" I say with a disgusted look.

"Come on. If you didn't know him you would totally go after him at a party, and I never saw you with an unattractive guy. You just dislike him and feel the need to insult him in every possible way" Julia says agreeing with Anna and I roll my eyes.

"He's no big deal. We never clicked so I don't have to like him"

"Anthoine did. You were the two most important people to him, you three were always together, how did you two never get along?" Anna asks still confused, she never understood the dynamic between me and Pierre.

"We were two opposites. He was a social, extroverted, athletic, and party guy. I was an introverted, lonely, anxious, and always-at-home girl. He found me boring and I found him annoying. Anthoine knew, he just didn't feel the need to exclude one of us. We didn't really fight, we just talked when it was necessary" I say and they nod.

"Did you have a crush on him?" Anna asks and I laugh.

"Let's make something clear. He was cute as a child, then he was kinda ugly as a teenager and he only had some glow-up in his twenties, that was when he got acceptable. I didn't have a crush on him, believe me" I say and they laugh.

"So now you admitted he is acceptable which means you would do him in a nightclub" Anna says laughing and I roll my eyes.

"I would, if you want me to be honest" I say shrugging and they smile at each other.

We watched movies all afternoon and ordered room service. The next day we visited the city center, which is easy since our hotel is there. At the end of the day, Pierre sent me a message saying he would pick us up at 11 am.

"Pierre will come by at 11 am tomorrow" I say when we were all getting ready for bed.

"I can't believe I will finally be in a Formula 1 weekend. And we will have access to everything" Julia says excitedly and starts to look through her stuff, I think she wanted an outfit for tomorrow.

"It's pretty cool normally" I say starting to prepare what I wanted for tomorrow.

"It will be fine" Anna says smiling at me and I nod.

We got our outfits ready, went to sleep and I woke up first, took a shower, and got dressed. They quickly followed, we were ending breakfast when we see Pierre entering the hotel lobby a bit confused.

"I will go get him" I say getting up from our table and going to where he was with his phone in his hand. "There's half an hour left for 11"

"I- I wanted to come earlier" He says looking nervous.

"We are finishing breakfast, did you have breakfast?" I ask heading to the restaurant again and he follows me.

"I had something fast" He answers and greets both girls and sits by our side.

"Eat something from here, it's too much for us anyways" I say and he looks taken back.

"I don't need to. Thank you"

"Just eat Pierre" I say and he nods and starts eating with us.

After we ate we went with him to his car and we got to the race track a bit after 11, Pierre gave us our cards and we got out of the car. When we started walking through the paddock I felt some eyes on me, some people greeted me clearly surprised and Pierre walked in front of us.

I was doing good but I think I will get triggered when the practice starts. And it started.

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