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♫ Sometimes I still think it's coming but I know it's not
Tryin' to breathe in and then out but the air gets caught ♫

Pierre Gasly POV

Do you know how relieved I was when they made it clear that Esteban was being rejected? I almost jumped with happiness. But now basically everyone on the grid knows I like her, I mean there were rumors but I would never confirm it or it would get to her way fast.

An hour passed and we joined another table to ours so everyone could be seated. Truth or dare was being played and it was low-key. Until Esteban got to choose.

"Truth or dare?" Mick asks him and he looks around nervously.

"Dare" He says still nervous.

"Kiss the prettiest girl in this club" Mick says and everyone looked at him shocked. He was playing with fire and I was going to be the one who got burned.

"Thank you for that" Esteban says turning to Chloé who was still at his side looking at everyone but him. He puts his hand on her waist pulling her closer and kisses her even though it only lasts a few seconds. He spins the bottle and Chloé looked unpleased. Yuki gets it and is dared to ask the number of the redhead girl who has at the table behind us.

"You are beasts" He says spinning the bottle, he got the number. It stops in Chloé and she looked nervous.

"I will choose dare because the truth questions are too personal for my taste" She says and we all laugh.

"Since you already went through the whole club. Kiss the person you would undoubtedly have sex with tonight" Yuki says and we look at him twice. Since when is he like this? What language is this? Does he want to die? I don't want to see Chloé kiss a second guy in front of me.

"I mean, any guy who I would likely fuck or THE guy?" She asks confused. What's the difference?

"THE guy. The one you would choose above all of the men you saw today" He says and she gets up looking around.

"Oh, shit" She says running her fingers through her hair. I see Charles, Julia, and Anna laughing and looking at her. "Fuck it"

As soon as she says that, she turns to me sits on my lap, and kisses me, I  wrapped my arm around her waist making sure she wouldn't fall. I place my free hand on her cheek and intensify the kiss. It lasted like half a minute, as soon as she backed up I let her go and everyone was smiling. I couldn't help but smile knowing something here is being reciprocated even if it is the physical attraction.

"Truth or dare?" I hear her ask after spinning the bottle and it got Lewis. She was still on my lap so I'm definitely winning tonight. Daniel looks at me and does a thumbs-up with a huge smile.

"So you would fuck me tonight?" I whisper when she leans back and she laughs.

"Don't let it get to your head. You are the most attractive man here, for sure, but I'm not going to do it" She says and I smirk.

"Why? Afraid that I'm too good at it?" I ask and we both laugh.

"I don't fuck with people I already know. Friendships don't work that way" She says and I nod.

"Your body, your choice baby" I say and she quickly looks at me.

"Don't tease me Gasly" She says and I could only smile.

"Afraid you won't resist?" I ask and she lets out a laugh.

"I will, I'm not the jealous one. Do you think me and Esteban would make a good couple?" She asks and I know she was taunting me. My arm tightens around her waist and I rest my hand on her tight.

"You could be the jealous one. You don't seem one to share" I say and she nods.

"I'm not. But that's about what's mine, you aren't" She says, and before I could think I spoke.

"I could be if you want to" I say regretting it as soon as I spoke.

"You drank way too much" She says and the game goes on. Until it lands on me.

"Truth or dare?" Charles asks with a smirk and I knew I was fucked either way.

"Truth" I say and his smile widens.

"Who was your first crush? Be honest" Charles asks and I take a deep breath.

"Chloé" I say and everyone looks at her.

"Which on? Chloé Monet from the karts or Chloé Dupont from my class?" She asks genuinely curious and I try not to laugh.

"Chloé Hubert" I say and she almost falls off my lap but I hold her. Anna and Julia seemed shocked by the information but pleased.

"I knew it! I never thought he would admit it but I fucking knew it!" Anna says excitedly.

"Well, you were able to make me speechless. I was your first crush?" She asks shocked.

"Yeah, for a few years. Sorry about that, I went about it the wrong way so I fucked it up" I say and she nods still surprised.

"You definitely took the wrong approach, I can guarantee you that" She says making me laugh.

"Is my approach better now?" I ask and when I look directly into her eyes she looks away.

"I'm going to the bathroom" She says and is followed by Julia and Anna.

"That was brave" Daniel says proudly.

"I saw my shot and I shoot it. Too bad I failed" I say and Esteban shakes his head.

"She likes you too. She told me you could be a bastard and a party guy but you are Pierre and you know her, her favorite things, how to calm her down, what to do, what to say, and all that. She wants you. She always did. It was always Pierre" He says and I wanted to believe it so badly.

"She said that?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah, go ahead. I can't win" He says and I give him a smile.

"Don't be like that. You will find the one" I say and he nods.

"I know, you found her. Keep her, don't fuck it, don't rush it. Just let it flow" He says so I got up and waited for her close to the bathrooms. The three of them got out and Anna saw me so she took Julia away.


Hello babes!

I just reached 1K followers and I want to start by thanking every single person that follows me and that reads my stories. I hope you love them as much as I do.

Every vote, comment, and message has meant the world to me and has given me much-needed motivation to keep this going.

To thank you for this amazing year and to kind of take the place of the stories about to finish I have 4 options for you to choose from so I can publish them next:

Complex with Lando Norris (and Oscar Piastri)

Tú Y Yo with Fernando Alonso

My Significant Bother with Christian Horner

Reckless with Charles Leclerc.

Every vote will be obviously counted and will decide which stories will come next for all of you to read them! Love you all very very much.

All For Love ∞ Pierre GaslyWhere stories live. Discover now