𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟯𝟯

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♪ Quando de ti escutei que só por te ter eu era um sortudo (When I heard from you that just by having you I was lucky)
Disseste tudo (You said it all)
Eu nunca fui ninguém, sou gota d'água no teu sobretudo (I've never been anyone, I'm a drop of water on your coat) ♪

Chloé Hubert POV

I sat on one of the couches, my head reacting to every noise around me. It wasn't hurting, but it was hypersensitive; it felt like every word echoed in my brain.

"Darling, open your eyes up for me, please," Julia asks, her tone annoyed, her voice is hard not to recognize, but when she and Anna were speaking at the same time, I was confused. I tried opening my eyes as much as possible, and my vision was less blurry. Her and Anna's face showed concern and anger.

"Oh god," Anna mutters and I see Esteban kneeling. Why is he here? Where is Pierre?

"Where is Pierre?" I ask as I try to look around, but my head feels heavy.

"Honey, did you take drugs? Were you that desperate? What happened?" Anna asks me, and I shake my head. Why would I do that?

"I've never taken drugs. I-" My breathing is getting hard, so I stop to catch my breath, and I see how they look at one another.

"Esteban, call an ambulance please. She was roofied," Julia asks him, and I see the panic in his face as he dials the numbers on his phone.

I felt my body hitting the ground before everything was black. I woke up in a white room, I was baffled; my head hurt, and everything in me seemed to be in pain and high alert. I see both Anna and Julia on different couches of the room, sleeping.

I tried to sit down and see the IV fluids connected to my palm. Did I dehydrate? Why don't I remember anything? I remember the letter, going to a bar, and everything is blurry. I know Pierre was there, he took me to the hotel, so why am I here?

"She is awake!" Julia says, awakening Anna and making me squint my eyes in response to my headache.

"Why am I here?" My throat is dry and hurting from the lack of water. She gives me a glass of water and I drink it.

"Don't you remember?" Anna asks as she gets closer, and I shake my head.

"I know I drank a lot but I don't remember much," I try to remember but everything is a blur.

"Ladies, good morning. Miss Hubert, how are you feeling?" The doctor asks as he enters the room.

"Not good, what happened?" I ask worriedly.

"Miss Hubert. You entered the hospital after a seizure caused by an overdose. Test results may be in tomorrow or after tomorrow. We suspect ketamine, it's one of the popular roofies being used in the modern age. The paramedics almost lost you in the ambulance; your breathing and heart rate were dangerously low, and your heart stopped for more time than recommended. You will need to say a few more hours so we can keep monitoring your vitals," he explains calmly and I am beyond scared.

"Someone roofied me, and I almost died? Oh god," I say worriedly; the whole importance of this hit me. They thought I was going to die, even if for a short time. I should've just stayed back, I should've never left that room.

I hear the machine by my right going off, my heart rate obviously increasing, and nurses enter the room. They lay me down and wait for me to calm down, and I do very slowly.

"Where is Pierre? Why isn't he here? Did I do something? Did the race start?" I ask desperately, I need him. My friends look at the doctor, who shrugs, nodding at the nurses who leave the room.

"Miss Hubert, you need to be calm. Your heart is under a lot of stress; give it some rest before asking difficult questions that require difficult answers. Rest a little bit more," he says but I shake my head.

"Where is him? I need my boyfriend. There has to be a reason; he would never leave me here," I say worriedly.

"We can do this," Julia tells the doctor, and he nods, leaving the room and standing in the hallway with two nurses; the door is closed, and I look at them.

"Did I do something to Pierre? Did I hurt him?" I ask, tears filling my eyes.

"You- Do you remember anything before you passed out from the seizure?" Anna asks, holding my hand and I shake my head.

"Pierre went to the bar, and I left with him. That's all I remember."

"It wasn't Pierre, it was Esteban. You called Pierre when it happened; we all heard you telling Esteban you've always loved him. Pierre has no idea what happened. He just thought you were drunk; he would be here if he knew everything. He will be here once Charles manages to talk to him," Anna explains calmly, and I shake my head frantically.

"No! NO! It was Pierre. He was wearing his shirt. The Alpine blue shirt, he told me he loved me too, I kissed him. I- I-" I stop midsentence. Esteban is at Alpine too; he could be wearing the shirt. "But- Why would Esteban say he loved me too? He called me mon amour; it was Pierre. Right? It was Pierre. I would never cheat on him."

My defense turned into me trying to convince myself that I hadn't done that. That I didn't break Pierre's heart. That I didn't ruin everything out of selfishness.

"You weren't yourself, darling. You thought it was him," Julia hugged me as the tears rolled down my cheeks, and I could only sob.

"This is unforgivable," I whisper as I feel hopeless. I lost him. I lost Pierre.

"It isn't, you were roofied. You had no idea baby. You will be alright. He will be here once the race ends and Charles can get to him. He is just thinking the worst right now, but he will be here. He loves you, and you love him," Anna says as she hugs me too, and I try to ignore the machine's noise.

I don't know how much time I've spent crying. I just know I was released under Anna's responsibility, and he was nowhere to be seen, which I can't blame him for. I just can't help but wish for a different outcome, wish that I hadn't done it.

But I needed to get my stuff and we went to do so when we got to the hotel, hopefully, we would get there before Pierre ever did. 

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