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♪ I wanna love me the way that you love me
For all of my pretty and all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view ♪  

Chloé Hubert POV

"I think he is breaking up with me," I repeated for the hundredth time as I nervously circled around the room.

"You are giving me a headache. Pierre wouldn't break up with you; the man loves you. He completely dotes on you and adores you," Julia tells me as she avoids looking at me by now. 

"He is not leaving you!" Anna insists frustratedly.

"Why does he want us to go out to dinner instead of going to celebrate the end of the season? He even told Charles we would be at the party after our dinner finished, I wouldn't blame him for leaving. I am a whole damn mess," I say nervously as I finish putting my earring on; I look in the mirror, and I look good enough to be dumped graciously.

"Because he wants some alone time and also to celebrate it after. Why would he go to a party after dumping you? The man would be crying in bed if you two broke up. This is just a cute dinner," Anna tells me as she smiles while watching me.

"Do I look good?" I ask as I turn to them, and they both excitedly nod.

"You look like a goddess as always, he is calling. Go have fun and stop overthinking. What happened is long gone, it has been forgiven," Julia says as I see my phone light up. I wave goodbye to them as I head to the door, opening it and seeing Pierre in a very formal outfit, almost suit and tie level of formal.

"Wow," he is speechless as he sees me. He takes a step back, and I see how his eyes analyze me like he hadn't seen everything of me for the past 2 years.

"You look good!" I say excitedly as I grab his hand. 

"I think I look underdressed, I should've brought the tie, the suit is not enough," he says as he kisses my cheek tenderly and I shake my head.

"You look good like this, let's go," I say impatiently as I want the dinner to start. I am hungry and stressed out. 

We have nights out and dinners out, but we usually have a quick dinner with friends when a race is over, followed by a social event like going to the club or having a party in our hotel rooms. It was never the type of thing where he told me to dress up and meet him for dinner. He sent me the dress and the jewelry and even scheduled my manicure and pedicure. He went all out, and it felt special. Like our one-year anniversary, he is the type to go all out.

When arriving at the restaurant, we were on the last floor of a very tall building. The table had a beautiful view of the city, and it was amazing. But it looked closed, no one was around besides the staff.

"Did you close the restaurant for us?" I ask as we were left alone in the whole room.

"I did, I wanted some privacy," he says with a smile as he puts his hand on top of mine.

"Is there something wrong? Are you breaking up with me?" I ask nervously and I see the surprise on his face.

"Breaking up? Why would I do that? I love you; I am not breaking up. I've seen all the changes you've made for yourself; you deserve to be loved and happy. And I will love you and keep you happy while you allow me to. Are you breaking up with me?" He asks, still somehow surprised by how the situation turned out.

"No! God, no. I love you. I am just nervous about all of this. I'm sorry, I like this, it's special, and it's for us, and I get it. I am just nervous. But I am happy the session ended, and we can be together more and do these things more often. You don't need to rent a whole restaurant, though," I joke in the end, and he chuckles.

"I will not rent out more restaurants then. I went a bit overboard, but there are a lot of people who come for the Grand Prix, and if they were here, our privacy would've been gone, and I wanted us to have it," he explains, and I nod.

The wine arrived, and then the food. The conversation flowed, and I forgot my fears. We went to the outside terrace, watching the view of the whole city. Pierre left for the bathroom, and I took it all in. 

Would I ever believe I would be here with Pierre, of all people? I never would've guessed Pierre would be the person I would be the most scared of losing. My brother would've had the time of his life; that letter just made it obvious.

I heard Pierre's steps and didn't turn around at first. I waited for him to join me on the edge of the building, but he didn't, so I turned around, and my jaw dropped. 

I see Pierre kneeling down with the most beautiful ring I have ever seen in my life. I was too stunned to speak.

"Chloé Hubert, would you give me the pleasure of being your husband? Will you marry me?" He asks me, his hand slightly shaking.

"Yes! Of course!" I am ecstatic, and his wide smile is on as he gets up and kisses me; I kiss him back more intensely than I ever did. I am getting married! To Pierre!

"I love you so much, mon amour," he whispers as he takes a step back and puts the ring on my finger, both of us watching it in awe. I'm engaged!

"I was so not expecting this," I am still stunned, and he nods.

"I was going to do it before, but problems came, and your mental health came first, but it was always something I wanted to do; we can wait to plan the wedding. I want to have this be our next step; this is my way of showing how committed I am to you, to us," he explains to me, and I hug him tightly.

"You are the love of my life Pierre, I would marry you in a heartbeat."

"There was no love before you and there will be no love after you. I would do it all for love so I will do it all for you," he whispers as he kisses the top of my head.

Well, I was definitely not dumped as you can see. 

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