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♪ You can say what you like, don't say I wouldn't die for you
I'm down on my knees and I need you to be my God ♪

Pierre Gasly POV

This night was something else, I usually am pretty relaxed at parties because it's a party. But with Chloé here I couldn't stop to check if she was okay especially after that creep grabbed her ass at 1 am. The girl who was with me got mad because she thought I was checking Chloé out and another one got mad because she thought I was trying to use her to get to Chloé so today I was going to go out alone anyways.

"I didn't know you had a new girlfriend! This is so cool" The driver says after talking to Lando and Charles through half of the drive.

"Thanks man. Can you just go to the second address I gave you? She's gonna come with us" I say looking at Chloé who fell asleep on my shoulder.

"So the hotel is to be ignored? Fine by me" He says still excited, the guy was pretty cool and relaxed.

"Yeah, we are going to the apartment, we rented it for the weekend, it's pretty cool" Charles says, and even though I gave him a neighboring building we don't want people to know where I live so this is the best way.

We got there and I picked up Chloé. I gave Charles the keys, he opened the doors and I put her in my bed. I got back to the living room and sat on the couch with them.

"So, you and Chloé? You two look good together, maybe she can keep you interested for more time than the others" Lando says and I roll my eyes.

"Don't be like that. I and Chloé would never work. We aren't at the same level. She is smart and rational and I am kinda dumb and impulsive. She deserves way better" I say and Charles smiles.

"You were always made for each other. You are smart and good enough. You were always good enough, don't be a dumbass" Charles says, and we hear a noise.

"Pierre" I hear Chloé's voice and she appears on the living room. "Your apartment is pretty cool"

"Thank you. Did we wake you up?" I ask getting up and she shakes her head.

"Nah. I just wanted to ask you for a shirt and one of your boxers. I need to take a shower to be a little more sober" She says and I nod.

"Just take whatever you like, it's fine by me. Just warn me when you are done. In half an hour I will go check on you if you don't say anything" I say and she laughs.

"Fine by me. See ya tomorrow guys" She says clumsily waving her hand and leaving.

"I would like both of you together" Lando says pretty thinkative and I laugh.

"Who are we talking about?" We hear Yuki's voice and he appears looking like he clearly just woke up.

"Chloé and Pierre. What do you think about that?" Charles says and Yuki lets out a laugh and then looks seriously at me.

"I thought it was a joke. I mean, I know you knew them for a lot of years Charles and it's pretty obvious Pierre likes Chloé" Yuki says and I'm pretty shocked.

"I thought you would have my back! I never had a crush on Chloé, come on. She despised me and she was Anthoine's sister. I never liked her that way" I say pretty defensive.

"You sure did! I and Anthoine always knew. She was your first love, come on. We all knew it. Your mom and their mom always gossiped about when you two would get together. You let that evident" Charles says laughing.

"I mean, you certainly don't look at her like a sister" Lando says and I roll my eyes.

"You are all wrong. We would never get to that level. She would never like me back and that's fine. And it's been years since we last talked, it's all different now" I say and they all high five each other.

"I knew it! You had a crush on her!" Charles says almost falling from the couch with all the excitement.

"Okay, I will make this clear. I had a huge crush on Chloé for years, I did and I annoyed her for it. But I don't anymore, I'm getting to know the new Chloé" I say, and Charles looks surprised.

"I never thought you would admit it, I'm so proud of you. But you still like her tho, you give her the same look you used to give. You also only have eyes for her when she's close. You look pissed when Esteban is around. You are all smiley and try to touch her even if it's a slight touch. If she ever liked you this was a case to say you fell first and you fell harder. You are in love my friend" Charles says getting up from the couch.

"That is not true" I say defensively.

"Let's sleep. I have to head back to Monaco tomorrow" Charles says starting to leave the room.

"I have to fly to London too so let's just sleep" Lando says getting up too.

"If I don't see you all tomorrow, I will see you on the 24th. Russia here we go" I say and they all nod.

"Use protection" Yuki says and runs to the guest room he was staying in. What a child. I stay for a few minutes on the couch and when I get up she gets in with one of my favorite shirts, my smile appears and I pass my hand through my hair.

"Looks like I came at the right time. You can go take a shower if you want. I came to grab a glass of water" She says and I nod.

"Thank you, I will try to be fast" I say and she nods. I take a quick shower and grab a blanket to sleep on the couch. She sees me and laughs.

"What are you doing Pierre?" She asks still laughing.

"Getting ready to sleep!?" I answer in a questioning tone because I was confused.

"That's not gonna happen. Come to bed, you have a career and body to maintain, this is also your house. I also refuse to stay on a couch because as expensive as it clearly is I will wake up at the slightest sound so this is the kind of choice adults make. I sleep on the right side and you on the left" She says and I laugh.

"Yeah, I prefer the right side tho" I say and she shakes her head.

"Not gonna happen, be happy with the left. I am a lady, you have to let me choose" She says ad we both laugh.

"Fine" I say and follow her to the bedroom.

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