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♬ Can I call you baby?
Can you be my friend?
Can you be my lover up until the very end? ♬

Chloé Hubert POV

"I can do it! He is just my type!" A girl was hyping herself up as we waited for our drinks and I look at her.

"You can do it! You are gorgeous, he will definitely want you" Her friend says as she pushes her off in the direction of who she is looking at.

"She is going for Pierre" Julia said as I was taking my drink and I almost snap my neck from how quickly I turned to look.

"What?" I ask surprisedly. He just got here. What the actual fuck? Why am I surprised? "Well, she seems like his type."

"Don't try to sound indifferent, let's go quickly so we can hear them" Anna takes my hand and we almost run to the guys.

"I was thinking of you buying me a drink and maybe talking or dancing for a while. Have some fun" The girl says as she puts her hand in her arm.

"I'm sorry. My girlfriend wouldn't appreciate it. Have a good night though" He says calmly and I almost spit my drink out. Girlfriend?

"Oh, I didn't see you kissing any of the previous girls so I assumed you were luckily single" She is now embarrassed but not enough to leave apparently.

"Why is he pushing her off? She is attractive" I say confusedly.

"Because you are the one he wants. You are the supposed girlfriend, make sure she knows it" Julia smirks and I shake my head.

"No. We agreed to ignore this, I can't ruin this, it's better to friends than to be strangers who used to date" I say nervously.

"She doesn't need to know" The words leave her mouth and I am filled with anger. Why do women want taken men? There are so many fairly attractive men in here and she wants the one who made it known he is taken.

"But I know. You should leave. This is too disrespectful for my taste" He says as he takes a step back. Charles notices our presence and he looks at me and lifts his eyebrows as he shrugs. He wants me to do something.

I watched as she went closer and Pierre had no where to back into or he would bump into Charles and Lando. He was obviously not interested and I was boiling at this point. I can't be jealous.

"Do something. She is going to kiss him" Charlotte's words made me wake up from my state of trance and I walk in their direction.

"Baby!" I call him and both turn to me. Pierre because he recognized my voice and her because I was getting closer.

"Yeah?" He answers between confused and pleased. His smile told me everything, he was amused by my involvement.

"Who's your new friend?" I ask as I look her up and down. She took a few steps back and she went pale as she looked me up and down.

"I'm sorry! I thought he was bluffing" She says nervously.

"If a man did that to you I can't imagine you would be pleased to be hit on and kissed against your will. Think twice before harassing someone just because they are attractive." My words are harsh and a bit hateful but I didn't like the attitude.

"I'm sorry" She says before running of to her friend who tried to hide herself when I looked at her.

"Thank you" Pierre says thankful and I shrug.

"No problem. Where is your girlfriend?" I ask teasingly and he shrugs.

"In front of me" His answer is followed by a wink and a cocky smile.

"Keep dreaming Gasly" I say as I laugh and he does the same.

"We like a loyal man" Julia says proud and Pierre smiles.

"I am loyal, I guess I have some approval from those close to you" He says confidently.

"You have approval from everyone close to her. Don't worry about it, we are on your side. Only we can deal with her stubbornness" Anna says proudly.

"I am still here in case you have forgotten" I remind them and Charlotte laughs.

"For what is worth I really do like your two vibes together" Charlotte says with a smile and I smile back at her.

"Stop playing cupid and let's have fun!" I say as I finish my drink and I look at Pierre.

"What?" He asks confusedly as I didn't stop looking at him.

"Buy me a drink, be a gentleman. I've never bought a drink while going out, this won't be the first time" I ask him and he laughs.

"And who paid for that drink you just finished?" His curiosity is obvious and I shrug.

"The bartender, he thought I was cute. I could ask for a second one but I have a feeling you would rather pay for it" I say as I give him a smile.

"I think you are right" He says as he walks to the bar.

"Don't drink too much or we will have to carry all of you to your rooms" Charles says as he starts to follow Lando to the DJ booth.

"Here you go, I told him to put your drinks on my card. There is no need for another guy t pay for your drinks" He says as he puts the drink down and I give him a kiss on the cheek.

But I guess I ended up drinking too much because we were laughing at anything, we sang the instrumental of the songs and Charlotte even broke her heel in the middle of the confusion. We finally sat down and I looked around before I laughed.

"We drank way too much" I try to whisper because I don't know where the guys are.

"Charles will be mad" Charlotte whispers back as she tries not to laugh.

"He won't complain. They will like an excuse to pick us up" I brush it off and she agrees.

"We can carry each other. Right?" Julia asked as she leaned on Anna's shoulder.

"Definitely!" Anna's confidence made us all laugh. There is no way those two will get to their rooms intact if they carry each other.

"Let me go get Pierre. I think it's been like 4 hours since we've seen them. We should leave" I get up slowly so I won't be dizzy and I try to look for him in the crowd.

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