𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟯𝟮

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♪ Queria que pegasses no carro, batesses à porta e implorasses (I wanted you to pick up the car, knocked on my door and begged)
Juro, eu só queria que chorasses e me contasses o que é que viste em mim (I promise, I just wanted you to cry and tell me what you had seen in me) ♪

Pierre Gasly POV

Everyone was frantic. Chloé had just gone and disappeared. No text to anyone, we called her, and nothing. I was going crazy. No one knew what to do. The city is too big for us to just go and look, she wasn't at the restaurant, nor was she at any place Julia and Anna said she could be.

We were all sitting in different places in my room. Every call goes to voicemail after she just ignores them. Out of nowhere, I get a call from her, put it on speaker, and I regret it the moment her voice is heard. My heart dropped to the floor, shattered. 

"Please, kiss me. I need you," she begged, and I gulped, my heart racing and breathing ceasing. Everyone's eyes are on me as the line goes silent for the next few seconds.

"Chloé, look at me. Are you alright? Did you drink that much mon amour?" Esteban's voice is heard. Mon amour.

"I didn't count- I never felt like this," she is obviously scared. She went drinking on her brother's birthday. Julia and Anna had that possibility in mind, but too many bars surrounded the area.

"Let's leave. Have you paid already?" Esteban is hardly heard after that, but I can assume he had to pay her tab and then pick her up by the phone's ruffling sound.

"I love you. I've always loved you. Did you know that?" She mutters as her words are slurred. And that broke me. She loves him. She always loved him.

"I love you too, mon amour. Let's get you in safety," he says, ternure being clearly heard. What were we then?

"Pierre-" Julia starts, but I shake my head, waiting to see if anything else was said. Their voices were quiet for minutes before anything was heard besides the noise of them possibly walking.

"Where are you going?" Charles asks once I get up.

"For a walk, I need to clear my head," only Julia, Anna and Charles follow me. 

Everyone else felt the tension in the room and left me for some privacy. I was getting to the lobby when I saw it. Esteban enters the hotel, holding her. My eyes met his, and he tilted his head like he was saying, 'Too bad, mate, ' like he wasn't taking the love of my life from me. How long did this go for?

"Chloé!" Julia and Anna yell as they walk in their friend's direction.

"So much fucking noise," she mutters as she vaguely opens her eyes, lifting her head from Esteban's shoulder.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Julia asks worriedly; Charles and I watch from a distance.

"Trying not to throw up or pass out, I'm still confused about which one will be next," she says as she shrugs.

"How much did you drink?" Anna asks as she touches her forehead.

"Put her down in one of the couches, please," Julia asks worriedly, and Esteban obeys. 

"Did you do something to her?" Anna asks angrily.

"I entered the bar with a few friends and saw her, so I went to talk to her. She kissed me and took initiative; I did nothing wrong," he says defensively, and I look away, containing the tears.

"I can't do this," I say before I rush out of the lobby, Charles following me.

"Do you think any of that was true? She is wasted," Charles tried to comfort me but that one wouldn't work.

"A drunken kiss might be forgivable for most, but a drunken 'I love you' doesn't seem like a mistake. She said she loved him, kissed him, and returned with him. She said she has always loved him. Not me, him, Charles. How the fuck will I know what was true and what wasn't? Will I have to deal with this once a year? Maybe twice because his passing is hard on her too."

"She never did it before. She probably got out of control," he says as the cold breeze knocks me to my senses; I can't be doing this.

"I don't know if she has done it before. I just know what I've heard and seen myself. I need to get some rest; you do too. Let's get back to the hotel. You can go ahead, I will be right behind," I say, and he nods, defeated.

"Call me if you need anything; you are not alone in this. Any choice you make is justifiable," he says as he puts his hand on my shoulder and I nod.

"I will see you tomorrow," I tell him before he leaves. I picked up my phone and booked a hotel room in a different hotel. I couldn't go back there. Not today.

I put my phone on silent once Julia and Anna called the first time, I knew they would try to either comfort me or maybe defend her friend. I couldn't deal with it for now. It's still way too raw for me. 

The words are still echoing in my head; the vision of her comfortably in his arms is still haunting me. I couldn't even sleep all night. I entered the paddock as early as possible, hiding in the motorhome. I didn't want to talk to anyone, so I drowned in work. However, I had to leave for the garage, and I saw Charles trying to reach me before the race started.

"Can we talk?" Esteban asks once I enter the garage, and I wonder if Charles isn't the best option.

"I would prefer not to unless it's work," I say coldly, and he stands in front of me when I try to walk away. "What?"

"The call was accidental, I didn't know about it. She didn't either, she was disoriented," he tries to explain, but I laugh.

"We aren't remarkably similar. It was no disorientation. Did this happen before?" I ask as anger fills my veins. I could very well take him out in the first lap, and I would celebrate it.

"What?" He is dumbfounded and I shake my head.

"You and Chloé, is this a thing, or was it just this one time?" I ask as I get closer and he takes a step back.

"You should talk to her about that. I'm not butting in in nobody's relationship," he says as he steps away.

That is an answer in itself, right?

All For Love ∞ Pierre GaslyWhere stories live. Discover now