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♪ It's hard to be fine when your heart's on the line
And the truth is I'm goin' through hell ♪

Chloé Hubert POV

The season ended and my brand was as popular as ever, Christmas was spent at my family's home but I was always on the phone with Pierre, to keep ourselves updated on our lives. He was spending a lot of time with family in France and in Italy during his winter break.

I was spending a lot of time in the United States, which only cemented my fear that this would never work out, we are just too busy but I was willing to go ahead and try it.

I haven't seen him for a month, I was able to clear my schedule for February, all the new launches are done and I can be there at Pierre's birthday party, I even decided to keep it a secret. I bought him a gift and sent it to him, he opened it this morning on video call and he loved it. All was planned for a cute moment.

I just entered the Italian club where Pierre is holding his party in, however, I am the one filled with surprise as I see Pierre and a brunette kissing, I've never seen that woman in my life and I wish I'd never seen her.

He told me he liked me, maybe I saw more than I should've. That kiss was way too intense to be a one-time thing, we were never anything. Fuck. I've fooled myself. The cake was brought out and it startled him enough to let go of her, Charles slapped his shoulder playfully as he approached the cake.

Only in that moment did he see me, his smile dropped and I just smiled before I sang 'Happy Birthday' with the rest of the crowd. He blew the candles off but his eyes were always on me.

"I was not expecting that," Anna whispers as the shock wears off.

"The audacity," Julia whispers back in astonishment.

"I should leave," I announce as I turn around to leave, passing quickly through the crowd, I needed out and he could never walk through the crowd this fast.

"I am sorry, but you were aware of what you were getting into," I hear Esteban's voice and I am scared by it for a second.

"You weren't invited to this party," I tell him and he nods.

"I was here with some friends and I saw the same thing you did, you knew he was not the dating type, you said it yourself," he says worriedly and I nod.

"Chloé, I-" Pierre's voice is heard but he shuts up once he sees Esteban by my side.

"I will see you inside," Esteban says before leaving and I just sigh.

"Happy birthday! You are getting closer to 30, how does it feel?" I ignore the elephant in the room, I am not going to talk about this.

"She means nothing, she approached me and she kissed me from nowhere. I am not blaming this on alcohol but I just let it happen," the words left his lips quickly and I just nodded angrily.

"I don't care, Pierre, I don't owe you any justification and neither do you. I saw more in here than it was, it happens. Let's just move on. This is enough for me," I say as I try to enter the club once again but he holds me by my forearm and I am pressed between him and the wall behind me.

"I saw you once in New Year and you gave me a kiss at midnight and went on to act like I meant nothing as you talked with everyone around us. I don't belong in that world, you know I don't. I feel like shit because you are so damn smart and I am not. I wanted this to work but I thought that you were just avoiding me, I thought we were over and done with once you didn't even have time for me the whole week."

His eyes were showing me the pain he felt and I felt fucking responsible for my bad communication skills. I should've made it clear that I felt something but never talking about it and just go around with random girls is not an answer to our problems either.

"Do you think I felt smart with all the terms around your job? Not even Anthoine could've prepared me for all this, I feel stupid too. I lack where you excel and you lack where I excel. But I was busy, I wanted to be done with this as soon as January ended but it got delayed a few days, it only ended yesterday. I had time for you, I just wanted it to be a surprise. But it didn't matter in the end, you were quick to find a replacement," I answer in anger and he just nods as he attentively listens.

"Was it reciprocated? Because I've done everything and I felt like I was the only one feeling something in the end, I don't like feeling less than or like a bother to someone," he says worriedly and I shake my head.

"I fucking liked you Pierre, and that is a lot to be said. I just can't be with someone who has such a replacement so quickly. You could've told me something, we were not exclusive but the closest people to you were inside that room and you kissed her. I can't do this, let's just keep this friendship while we can," I say nervously and he nods as he gets closer to me.

"I think I love you Chloé and that fucking scares the shit of me, because I never had doubts if someone liked me back. I never felt this insecure in my life. You have everything, I can't give you anything new. You have the money, contacts and intelligence. Any guy would be lucky to have you, but I feel like I am never going to be good enough for you. I never felt like I was up to your standards," he confesses as we were too close, my back touched the cold wall behind me and I swallowed nervously.

"Pierre-" my words are stopped as he speaks once again.

"Do you love me Chloé?" He asks nervously and his voice even trembled but I think I was the one dreading to answer it.

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