𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟯𝟭

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♪ Fiz de ti dono do meu futuro (I made you the owner of my future)
Nunca quis o restaurante caro, e se eu quiser, sou eu que pago (I never wanted the expensive restaurant, and if I want it, I will be the one paying it)  ♪

Chloé Hubert Pov

I was fine until I wasn't. My brother had left some letters for me, I guess he wrote them so he could say he was right, I waited for a moment when I could be alone and I took the one letter mom had never given to me.

It was addressed to both Pierre and me. She thought it was odd, so she kept it until we were talking again, and then we were dating, but she didn't remember it until I left to come here. And here I am. 

I don't know how I will react. I've taken it well with the letter I read when he passed away. He was right in most of them. What has he written to us or about us? 

Pierre left in the morning, Julia and Anna went to change so that when Pierre and Charles got back from the paddock we could have a fancy dinner. So this is my only chance of reading this in peace.

Dear Pierre and Chloé, aka the most stubborn people I've ever met in my life,

I am writing this letter on February 14th, 2019, to tell you that one day, I will be the best man at your wedding. But it won't be without consequences because the game you've been playing for 15 years wastes my patience, and I am getting grey hairs just from dealing with both of you.

Today was Valentine's Day, and Chloé was in a bad mood all day, no reasons given. Can I guess why? Yes. Pierre went on a lunch with a girl on the most romantic day of the year. Also. Pierre was moody all day long. Was it because the date at lunch was shit? No. It was because Chloé had dinner planned with a guy on the most romantic day of the year.

Did any of you two ever admit it? Not a chance. Did you complain about the weather, the tone of my voice, and the way the meals weren't worth it? Yes. Did you ask me how the opposite dates went? Also, yes. Did you pretend not to care? Absolutely.

So, please, for my sanity. Just get together, be an annoying couple who can't stop bickering and complaining and kissing, and just complain about your love problems and not about unexistent problems.

You two are meant to be together, and if you are not the person for each other, I will be damn near astonished if I have to be the best man to both of you at different weddings. Also, remember to make me godfather to your kids. I deserve it!

With this, I have to go because my best friend is texting me about something my sister said. And my sister is closing the cabinets and doors in this house like they aren't breakable.

I love you both, and please remember all you put me through when you read this because I will only give this to you when you are an official couple.

With all my love and annoyance,

Anthoine Hubert (aka the best person you've ever met)

PS: Stop rolling your eyes Chloé, I can fucking sense it already.

The tears were falling before I even got to the second sentence. He should be here, he should've seen it all. It would happen one day, right? We would've found our way to each other one way or the other.

Anthoine always knew this was meant to be, and we always butted heads with him. He could've seen us together like he always wanted to, but now I just have to wish there was an afterlife and that he is somehow watching over us. Religion has always been Pierre's strong suit, not mine. 

So I could only cry as I heard my phone ringing, Pierre's name appearing three times before it stopped. I got into the dress I had planned for dinner, got up, and left the hotel room with only my phone in my hand, and went to the nearest bar I could find.

And I drank and drank. My phone lit up once every few minutes. My mom, my brother, Pierre, Charles, Julia, Anna, Yuki, Lando. You name it. I was more than wasted as time went by. I wanted to be numb.

I wanted to be happy on his day, but I am too selfish for that. I can't make it about me, I need the numbness, I am still here, after all. I can lose my boyfriend in the same way I lost my brother, and the fear I feel when thinking about it is leaving me petrified. I couldn't survive it; Pierre is my person.

However, I think I drank too much. My vision was too blurry; I couldn't distinguish the faces in the crowd, and no one was clear to me. I tried to stand up, but it was useless. I tried unlocking my phone, but the letters weren't there. 

I needed to call him, I need him. I was trying to find his name on the contact list, but it seemed useless the more I tried. Until I finally saw him approaching me. The Alpine Blue stood out in the crowd. He held my waist as he helped me step out of the high chair.

"What the fuck have you done?" His voice asks me in perplexity, and I shrug.

"I think I drank too much, I was going to call you," I say as I look up at him, which was still too blurry; why can't I see his face? This never happened to me.

"Let's get you back to the hotel," he says, but I shake my head.

"Please, kiss me. I need you," I beg. He is reticent, but I tip-toed and kissed him; he kisses me back, but I felt like I was blacking out once it ended.

"Chloé, look at me. Are you alright? Did you drink that much mon amour?" He asks me, worry filling his voice, and I nod.

"I didn't count- I never felt like this," I say scaredly, and he touches my forehead, I felt like I was burning up, my body wasn't responding to me, I felt like jelly, my muscles were useless in this moment.

"Let's leave. Have you paid already?" He asks, and I shake my head. I hear him paying, and then he picks me up, wrapping my legs around his torso, and I wrap my arms around his neck, but I have no strength; I'm glad he has it.

"I love you. I've always loved you. Did you know that?" I mutter as my words feel slowed down.

"I love you too, mon amour. Let's get you in safety," he says, and I nod. I'm safe now.

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