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♫ I don't wanna lose control
Nothing I can do anymore ♫

Pierre Gasly POV

It's been a month since I last saw Chloé. We are in Austin, Texas. The race just ended and I did not finish it because I had a suspension issue on Lap 15 so it was a bit shitty. After the interviews, I was on the paddock talking with Daniel and Charles when suddenly Esteban stops by our side.

"Good luck next time" He says and I nod, he's not here to say this.

"Thanks" I say and look at Charles who shrugs as confused as me.

"Is Chloé meeting you at the hotel or did you have all you wanted from her already?" He asks and I'm now angry.

"What do you mean? Why would you even mention her?" I ask getting closer to him.

"You don't know she's in Austin with her friends?" He asks with a smirk and I'm confused.

"I am not checking her location. Are you that insecure or do you want to check if she's here for any of us?" I ask and he takes a step in my direction.

"Look at the hottest man in this city. Can't believe it's a french one" I hear Chloé's voice so, naturally, I turn around to where it came from and see her walking in my direction, a smile appeared on my face and I open my arms to which she runs to.

"I was starting to think you were mad or something. You are around and you don't tell me" I say and she looks surprised.

"How did you know I was here? It was supposed to be a surprise" She says looking to Charles and Daniel who shrug and then at Esteban.

"Esteban was telling me about it, maybe he thought you were here for him or whatever" I say and she laughs.

"Well, glad you didn't know sooner. I tried to come sooner but the flight from California to here wasn't as fast as I intended. I wanted to have a few days traveling with you. A day here, 2 weeks in Mexico next, and a week in Brazil, my dream vacation" She says and I smile.

"That seems great, I'm in" I say and she looks excited.

"I thought you would like it. And thanks for ruining it Esteban" She says finally turning to face him.

"I'm sorry, I thought it was common knowledge. Julia and Anna posted it so I shared what I knew" He says shruging.

"So how about a party tonight before we leave to Mexico tomorrow?" Anna asks excitedly.

"That's a good idea" Daniel says happily.

"I will find a place on google and I will text you the address then" Julia says picking her phone up.

"See you later then. We are going to do our check-in before the time ends. I just wanted to catch you before you leave. Sorry for the shitty race" Chloé says and I nod.

"No problem. See you at like 10?" I ask and they nod while leaving and waving their arms.

"Wait. How did they get in?" Charles asks and now I'm wondering if she bought a paddock pass just to get to me for 5 minutes. She isn't that crazy.

"We let them in" I hear Lando say and he appears with Yuki and Carlos.

"Of course. I was noticing your absence, now I know why" I say looking at Yuki and he shrugs.

"If your future girlfriend and wife asks me for help I have to help or I'll get my ass kicked" Yuki says and they laugh.

"Don't start. I have no patience for this" I say seeing Esteban walking away.

"Maybe she will flirt with you again" Daniel says and I laugh.

"Or maybe not and I already told you she wasn't flirting, there was no seat left at the table" I say and they laugh.

"She definitely didn't stutter so I think she was indeed flirting" Carlos says and I think I'm going crazy with them. They let me think these things and she never flirted with me since that, and in messages it's pretty clear when people are flirting. She never did it.

"I will see you later" I say heading to the exit and finally leaving to the hotel followed by Yuki who refused to rent his own car so AlphaTauri gave us the same car, which was indifferent.

I took a shower and put on the same cologne I put on a month ago because she liked it. I made sure my hair was good and I was too. I had dinner and headed to the club they choose and it was pretty cool. All of the younger guys were there but those who came were: Lewis, Max, Charles, Daniel, Lando, Daniel, Lando, Carlos, Mick, Lance, Yuki, and, of course, Esteban.

"You are using all your game tonight" Chloé says after she gave me a quick hug.

"I thought I always did it. Now I feel offended" I say making her laugh.

"You always look good now, don't worry. Women will love you" She says and greets the other guys. She leaves to Julia and Anna's side at the bar while they talked with two guys.

"What the fuck happened?" I hear Charles ask me like an hour later. I look confused at him.

"What?" I yell back because of the loud music.

"Esteban and Chloé" He yells pointing to the other side of the club, he had his hand resting on her waist, she was laughing and generally enjoying his company. I felt myself fuming, I was jealous and I didn't want to be.

"Let them be" I say turning around and drinking everything in my glass and then drinking Charles' drink.

"I wasn't expecting that" I hear Yuki say and Charles tells him to shut up.

"It's fine, I saw it. It's not a secret" I say and start to head out.

"Stay here, she will see you leaving" Lando says and I go back, I drink a few drinks and when the talk ends I turn my back and sit by Daniel's side.

"That was fucked up" Daniel says and I nod. Too fucked up for me. I never took him as a threat, I never took anybody as a threat. And now I'm jealous and fuming at a club while she is laughing and having fun. With Esteban of all people.

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