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♪ Usually, I ain't the type to stay up all damn night
Thinkin' 'bout someone else ♪

Pierre Gasly POV

I watched closely as Chloé clearly threw herself at a random guy who was on the edge of the pool. What the fuck is this? Am I seeing correctly? I would question my vision if it wasn't for the fact that my friends seemed just as outraged as me.

"That is not cool," Charles comments as he watches them too.

"He is attractive, are you feeling threatened?" Lando asks curiously and I give him a threatening look. "Now I am the one who feels threatened, I will be quiet."

"What is she doing?" I ask as my jaw drops as she gets closer to him. Too close for comfort.

"Trying to make you jealous. Was she always this straightforward? So shameless," Charles was sounding like Anthoine would and I try not to laugh.

"I don't think she cares about me that much," I say as I see the guys' hands going to her waist and my whole body tensed up. I never had this much of a good posture.

"Yeah, if you don't interrupt that, I will," Charles is uncomfortable and I was doubting it until her face was closer to his and her hair was covering whatever might happen there.

I put my glass down and go there quickly and see her kissing his cheek.

"I think that's enough," I say as she looks up at me and smiles cockily, and now I think Charles is right.

"It worked," he tells her before he goes into the pool and she gives me her hand, I thought she wanted to help to get up but nope. She just threw me into the fucking pool.

"Thanks for that," I say as I position myself in the middle of her legs and she smiles.

"Jealous much?" She asks with a smirk and I nod.

"Is it wrong of me to admit it? Because you never admitted it," I say as my arms rest on her thighs and she chuckles.

"That was the whole point, let me get in," she points to my arms and I give her space to enter the pool.

Once she does she goes straight to me and wraps her arm around my neck as she tries to put my hair presentable. I picked her up and she surrounded my torso with her legs. I used the wall of the pool to keep us in the same place. I was lost in her eyes while that happened and she kissed me.

I kissed her back and I ran my free hand through her body as I felt satisfied that she decided to kiss me in public for the first time without being a truth or dare challenge.

"Why did you want to make me jealous?" I ask curiously as the kiss ends for lack of air and she smiles.

"You have to feel something to be jealous and I wanted to see if you did," she says as she shrugs calmly and I laugh.

"You could've asked me. I would've told you that I like you. I like you way more than I've ever liked someone Chloé," I say as my thumb caresses her cheek and I see the shy smile she gives.

"Can I believe that? This isn't a game right?" She asked me as she looked into my eyes, she was looking for a sign I was lying and all I could see was her fear of being hurt.

"I would never play games with you. I like you Chloé, no need for any of that shit," I say as I kiss her lips softly, time and time again.

"Don't you want an answer?" She asks through the kisses.

"I don't know. I don't think you will admit it, because it has been very easily visible that I am in love with you."

"I like you too, Pierre," she says nervously and I smile widely before kissing her.

We stayed in the pool for a bit longer than we should have. We got out and she went to the girls and I went to the guys. Charles was smiling proudly.

"So... Is it official?" Charles asks and I see a curious Lando trying to listen in.

"I wouldn't say it's official but I told her I like her, as in I am in love with her, and she told me she liked me. It's good enough for me if you ask me," I say proudly and they laugh.

"I want to be at that wedding, I will give you an epic bachelor's party," Charles says proudly.

"After dealing with you crushing on her, we deserve some recognition for the new couple," Lando says before I hit the back of his neck.

"You deserve shit, Norris. I am the one who had to deal with her talking to that asshole," I say as I refill my glass.

"She would've left with him if you didn't go there. She likes you and you like her, there is no reason for you both to be beating around the bush. Just ask her to be your girlfriend. Dumbass," Charles says as I take a sip of my drink and I nod.

"I know, but it won't be here and not now," I say confidently. I have the perfect plan.

I was arguing about something with the guys when I felt a hand on my back and I turned to see Chloé smiling up at me. And that smile was not innocent.

"Do you happen to need something from me?" I ask before looking up and down her body.

"I need all of you, in my bed. Now, please," she says as she tiptoes so she can kiss me.

"Going," I say as I put the glass down.

"Where are you- Oh," Charles stops himself when he sees Chloé behind me and laughs.

"Use protection," Daniel says as we pass by him while he and Max are preparing to throw themselves into the pool. Why? No idea.

My focus was on a completely different person. The woman holding my hand and looking at me like I was the only thing she needed in that moment and I would like to believe I am.

All For Love ∞ Pierre GaslyWhere stories live. Discover now