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♫ Tryin' every day when I hold my breath
Spinnin' out in space pressing on my chest ♫

Chloé Hubert POV

I was getting drunk, drunker than I should have. I watched the girls who approached him, I drank more. Every time I thought about him, I drank a shot and both Julia and Anna laugh at the fifth one.

"Can you stop being so stubborn? Stop drinking, you are like on your 5th shot in just an hour" Julia says clearly worried.

"Let me be, I told you I didn't want more parties with him, I say things I will regret and do things I shouldn't" I say mad at them but also myself who had the idea for this vacation. I wanted to see him, in controlled environments with people around, sober people.

"Chloé, can we talk for a second?" I hear Esteban ask, I nod and go into a more isolated spot than the counter.

"What's up?" I ask confused about why he would want to talk to me right now.

"Do you think you could give me a chance? I mean, I know I'm not Pierre or even close but I really like you and I've liked you for a long time. I didn't mean to be rude, I was just jealous of all the attention he gets and you come back straight into his arms again. I was childish but I really like you" He says and I feel his hand on my waist. I laugh, an ironic laugh.

"Do you even know me enough to like me for so many years?" I ask and he seems confused.

"I want to know you. I like your vibe and your personality, I want to know all about you. You never allowed it to happen" He says and I nod.

"I have anxiety attacks, I'm a little of a bitch sometimes, I have a bad mood if people wake me up aggressively or with stupid reasons, I'm petty and revengeful. I'm grieving my dead brother and have traumas from his death. I have a shit load of baggage that I don't think you are able to handle" I say and he listened quietly.

"I can learn to fix all of that, I need that chance. I can treat you better than him for sure" He says and I laugh again.

"Esteban, I adore you, like a friend. I don't think it's as easy as you think. Pierre is a bastard sometimes, he went from girl to girl, he likes to party and he looks pretty egoistic. But he is Pierre, Pierre knows me. He knows my favorite color, my favorite ice cream flavor, and my favorite chocolate. Pierre knows how to calm me down and what to say. I don't need a person who tries to fix me, I'm not broken. I need someone who takes me as I am, I am done growing up" I say and he nervously gulps.

"I'm sorry, I- I didn't mean it like that" He says clearly regretting his own choice of words and I nod.

"I know what you meant. I am good Esteban, I probably won't be with Pierre either, he is not one for dating and I'm not one to fuck around with people I already know. So you have no chance in that too"

"I fucked it up but if you ever decide I'm the one you want, you know how to reach me" He says and I let out a laugh.

"I know Esteban, that won't happen though. Don't keep your hopes up, go live your life while you can, you have fancy cars and you are an F1 driver, that's enough. Move on, I'm your first crush but I won't be the last one" I say and he laughs.

"You are something else" He says while leaving and I laugh again.

"You fucked it up" I hear Anna say and I look confusedly at her.

"What? I didn't do anything" I say pretty sure I was being fooled.

"Pierre saw you talking to Esteban and he looked pissed. He almost left" Anna says and I look back to see him talking with Daniel.

"He didn't, he is fine" I say finding him pretty normal. Esteban sits in front of him and I see the hate in Pierre's eyes. "Shit"

"Yeah, a huge one. Why did you let him hold your waist?" Julia asks and I shrug.

"I don't know. I just let it be, I barely felt it" I say and they shake their head.

"If you wanted a jealous Pierre you have one now" Julia says and Anna lets out a laugh.

"He's pretty hot even jealous. If you don't want him, let me keep him" Anna says and I roll my eyes.

"Just keep him then, fuck it" I say getting another shot.

I go to the table where the guys were, followed closely by Julia and Anna. Pierre was at the tip with Daniel by his side. I sat at Esteban's side and everyone got quiet.

"Did the party end because I arrived?" I ask and they look between themselves.

"You and Esteban? That's a new possibility" Charles finally says and I smirk, he has no filter and we always liked each other because of it.

"Possibility? I would give it a 1%, and that's just because I don't know what I could do under substances unknown to me" I say and they were trying hard not to laugh.

"So what was that nice talk?" Daniel talks and I look at Esteban.

"Just Esteban shooting his shot and finally getting a real answer. Right?" I say and he nods.

"Now I know some reason on why I'm being rejected. Not enough but I'm not the best at talking and she is" He says and I laugh.

"Don't blame yourself, I had to sell a brand until it got big, I know how to talk. You don't. We are not compatible, you know why now" I say and he nods giving me a smile.

"I would still pursue you if I was given a chance" He says looking me up and down.

"I'll pass it"

I look in front which made me see Pierre who was already looking at me, he was focused but he was clearly more pleased with the fact this was clarified. Was he really jealous?

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