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♪ Heart in my hands
Hopeless 'cause no one can take it from you ♪

Chloé Hubert POV

I had an intense conversation with Charles and warned him about the consequences of this move since Pierre is now my boyfriend, and I won't take these things lightly. He readily agreed and apologized, claiming he just wanted his friend to have fun. 

I refused any accommodation Pierre tried to provide for me in his apartment and slept in a hotel by the center. I was not letting him go this quickly; he would regret giving in so easily to any girl. Valentine's Day is coming; he would have to earn my forgiveness if he wanted me to spend the day with him.

So he tried knocking on my hotel door the next day after his calls weren't returned. I got sent flowers every single day, not roses, but every day it was a different flower, and I liked it; they had cute notes on it, and Julia and Anna were getting texts from him to make sure I was still in the same hotel room, and they only confirmed it, even if they were in France by then.

I went out to take care of some business stuff and returned around dinner time; my plan to order room service was in full swing until I entered the candle-lighted room, a very romantic dinner setup, and a nervous Pierre waiting for me.

"What- How?" I stuttered the words as shock was still controlling my body.

"I figured that I needed a grand gesture to secure my place as your boyfriend after the shit I've done, I knew you wouldn't let go easily, but this has been stressful," he says with a fearful smile.

"This truly is a grand gesture. You really outdid yourself," I say as I look at the empty place in front of him, my place.

"Can we have dinner? I am really regretting the shit I've done, but I am not about to skip Valentine's Day with you tomorrow. Please give me a chance," he says, pointing to the chair, and I sit on it.

"You surprised me with the handwritten notes, I was counting on the material gifts. And I planned for the grand gesture to be tomorrow, so you were able to surprise me for once," I say as I take a sip of the wine he chose.

"I love you. I thought about it repeatedly, and I don't want anyone else, Chloe. I fucked up, but it was nothing at all; if you were my girlfriend a week ago, I would've never kissed her. I am insecure, but I can adapt myself to your life. I will do the best I can to not be ignorant by your side," he said, holding my hand, and I felt my heart breaking slightly.

"Pierre, you are not ignorant. I know the business language, and I educated myself on it. I am in the clothing and fashion industry, and you are in motorsports. You excel where I could never, and I am doing pretty well. None of that makes us less intelligent. Stop doing that. You are enough. No. You are more than enough, Pierre. You are all I never knew I could have; I never knew I would even want to be with you, and here I am."

My words are honest; honesty is the best root to take here. There is no use in sugarcoating anything. I don't believe that he is dumb for not knowing about what I do, and I don't think I am dumb because I don't know car parts and whatever else I should know when dating someone like him. 

"I just want us to be okay. Use this against me any time you want, but let me be here. Let me make up for it," he says as his hand is on top of mine.

"I was definitely going to fold tomorrow if you texted me. I can stop ignoring you for now; you've surpassed my expectations," I tell him, and I see his smile widening.

Pierre ended up staying. He told me a lot about the next year of Formula 1 that is about to start, and I told him about my new collection, which is about to drop in April. He even asked me for some advice on some of his merch; he wanted something different.

The night went on so quickly that I only looked at the time as our sweating bodies had finally recovered from 3 rounds of makeup sex. 

"I'm going for a shower, a real one this time," I tell him as I enter the bathroom and he follows me closely behind.

"I need some relaxation too, but I will take care of you in a few hours. Always teasing me," he says as he slightly slaps my bare ass, and I laugh.

"Teasing you? I am walking to the shower," I say as I turn on the water and wait for it to be hot.

"Yeah, naked. You being naked is the biggest tease I've had to experience in my life. I am so glad your brother never let me go to the beach and pool with you. I would've been even more damned back then. Nobody would've compared," his eyes roam my body and I chuckle.

"Who is comparable now?" I ask, crossing my arms in the process to outrage.

"No one, couldn't even give you a name. No one compares to you, mon amour," he says as he kisses my shoulder.

I entered the shower, and he did too. It was a quick shower, just enough so I could feel clean. I washed my teeth, and so did he, and we went to bed. I snuggled close to him enough to hear his racing heart, which made me smile. He loves me. I believe it. And I love him. Isn't that all that matters? 

I don't care who kissed him when I made him feel unwanted. That's partly my fault, I should've been clearer on that. I've learned how to keep my feelings masked since Anthoine's death. But now I don't feel like I need to because I know Pierre will protect as much as Anthoine would've.

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