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♫ Even when I know it's been forever I can still feel the spin
Hurts when I remember and I never wanna feel it again ♫

Pierre Gasly POV

It was the 20th, my parents came to pick me up from the airport and we went to have dinner before heading home.

"Italy wasn't that great. But it will be better in Russia" My dad says after we ordered.

"Actually it was pretty good. It was surprising but way better than expected" I say and they look confused.

"What do you mean?" My mom asks confused.

"I met Chloé there" I say and my mom's jaw drops.

"What do you mean you met Chloé? Did you see each other? You talked?" She asks and I knew she wanted all the gossip.

"We saw each other at a restaurant and she was there the whole weekend. We talked and we are good friends actually. We had some deep talks. It was great actually" I say and even my dad was surprised.

"I wasn't expecting that. You were always such opposites but from what Nathalie told us she changed pretty much. You now are more similar than before probably" My dad says still processing information.

"Nathalie is going to be so happy when we all show up on the 22nd. It's so sad you have to leave the next day" She says excitedly and I can picture both our mothers gossiping. Typical Pascale and Nathalie.

"I think it will be a good day, for us and for Anthoine's memory, I would like for him to see me and Chloé living our lives and finally getting along but I know he is watching somehow" I say and my mom gives me a huge smile.

"He is, for sure. I'm happy for all of us to meet again" My mom says excitedly.

They started telling me about what my brothers were up to and I went home with them. The day and the next one went fast but I was feeling nervous when the 22nd came and they started driving, it wasn't the house where the Huberts grew up but my mom told me it was planned at Chloé's house because it was bigger and Nathalie felt better than at the family's house. As soon as my parents parked we see Nathalie and Victhor coming to greet us.

"You look so good! I saw some photos of you and Chloé and I almost couldn't believe it when she told me you were getting along" Nathalie says and I give her a smile.

"We are growing up and sharing some thoughts on all the years that passed and what we lived through. It was really good to have her back" I say and Victhor lets out a laugh.

"Anthoine was always right about you two. Take care of my sister, she is all we have now" He says and I nod.

"Don't worry about it" I say as we were walking to her backyard, a lot of childhood friends and family were there, Chloé was busy talking with other people and she didn't notice us arriving.

"I can't believe you get prettier as time goes by" My mom says and she quickly turns around almost running to hug her.

"Pascale! I could say the same about you, you are just like fine wine" She says while they hugged and then hugs my dad who excitedly hugged her back.

"I heard this huge house is yours. I'm proud of you!" He says and she gives him a sweet smile.

"It is indeed. Maybe it's too big but I can't complain. Come eat something. We have a lot of snacks and appetizers. The main course will come in two hours by 1 PM" She happily says.

"Take care of our remaining baby" My mom says and I start to get embarrassed. She looks at me and smiles.

"Nice to have your presence in my home Pierre Gasly" She says in a playful tone, I open my arms and she goes for the hug.

"Thank you for the invite. You look good today" I say and she takes a few steps back.

"You smell good today, I like the cologne you are using. You look good too, by the way" She says and I try not to smile but do it anyway and follow her to talk to people who seemed surprised to see me.

It was nostalgic, it wasn't sad, everyone told their best stories of Anthoine, it was celebrating his life, like it should be. Time was going fast, Charles called and facetimed while sharing some stories with Charlotte by his side. Chloé and Charlotte were introduced to each other. I noticed that at the end of the afternoon that Chloé was just walking around. I raise my hand, she notices and comes to my side.

"What's up? Want another beer?" She asks and I laugh.

"There's plenty to drink yet. Are you okay? You almost cried like a hundred times" I say and she nods.

"It's bittersweet. I like to see all the people who loved him here. I know he loved everyone too. I just wish he could be here too but I'm thankful for everyone's presence. He deserves it" She says and I smile.

"He definitely deserved anything"

"Is that seat taken?" She asks pointing to me and I look back to verify that no chair was empty behind me, they weren't.

"That's my lap??" I say and she shrugs.

"Did I stutter? I know what I said" She says, without any stuttering indeed. I mean, it's fair. She didn't stutter, but I did. That I can assure you all.

"I mean, it isn't taken. You can go ahead" I say and she seats on my lap. I saw Victhor watchin, he winked at me, and gave me a thumbs up.

"When are you leaving to Russia?" She asks and I'm surprised because I don't remember telling her where I would race next.

"I have to leave tomorrow at 8 am. How do you know?" I ask and she gives me a smile

"I searched for this year's calendar. I wanted to know" She says and my smile grows wider automatically.

"I will be here for you today, don't worry" I say and she nods.

"What about tomorrow? What if I need you in the future?" She asks and I get closer to her ear.

"I will be close by anytime you need me. Call me and I'll make sure you are by my side as soon as I can" I whisper and her smiles widens.

"I will take your word for it. Don't disappoint me Gasly" She says and I nod. She gets up and goes inside because her mom called.

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