𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟵

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♪ 'Cause a one-in-a-million chance
Is still a chance, still a chance
And I would take those odds ♪

Chloé Hubert POV

I had been talking to Esteban for like 20 minutes when I saw Pierre and the guys had arrived, I tried to think of an excuse when he followed my eyes and saw where I was looking at.

"So what's with that? You and Pierre?" He asks sounding curious.

"Nothing. We just met here in Italy and got back in touch. It's been 2 years, we wanted to catch up" I say and he nods looking a bit annoyed.

"So was I the only one you ignored and blocked?" He asks but I shake my head.

"I blocked everyone, I unblocked him like 5 days ago when we met at a restaurant. It was a coincidence"

"You always hated each other. Why all of a sudden you are hugging, smiling and laughing as if you have always been friends? Did I miss something? I know I was an asshole the other day but it confuses me"

"I've known him for 18 years, I didn't hate him, our interests never aligned but now they do. We also both lost Anthoine, he was important to both of us. I don't think I owe you any explanation, things just happen and I'm glad we are fine now. Anthoine would've wanted this" I say getting a bit defensive because I felt he was being intrusive.

"I'm sorry, it's understandable you two are bonding over that traumatic time. If you need to talk I'm always here for you" He says with a sincere tone and I nod.

"I have to go now, thanks for the drink" I say putting down the empty cup and he nods.

"Have fun" He says and I go back to where they all were.

"Hey, guys" I say with a smile.

"You are finally back" Lando says excitedly.

"Whose is this?" I asked picking up a cup from the table they were at.

"Mine" Pierre answers, I shrug and drink it like it was a shot.

"Good choice" I say while putting the empty glass on the table, he laughs and nods.

"Thanks, did he stress you? You look stressed" Pierre says but I shake my head.

"No way, he is a bit intrusive but I can deal with him. There are far worse than him around. Trust me" I say and sit down on the couch in the empty spot.

"You two are matching. You have a white dress and he has a white shirt. That's cute" Julia says excitedly pointing at Pierre and we both laugh.

"Let's dance" I say getting up and basically dragging the girls with me.

Time went fast. The guys were on the opposite side of us but one of them came to check on us once in a while. I was dancing with a guy for a few minutes when I felt his hand on my ass so I pushed him to keep him away.

"Come on. Don't try to be difficult, we have been dancing together for half an hour. You know you want it." He says getting closer and I smile pretty pissed off at this point.

"I'm sorry to inform you but you are not my type. Guys who I dance with don't always mean they are bed material and you definitely aren't. Low down your ego and go dance with another person" I say pushing him once again and I see Julia and Anna were already watching closely.

"Is everything alright?" Pierre asks looking at him pretty threatening.

"You have a bodyguard to keep away the men you don't want to fuck? Come on, he is not that scary baby" He says and quickly the other guys started surrounding him.

"It's time to leave mate" Lando says and the guy definitely looked more scared.

"This is ridiculous" He says but quickly leaves and the guys go back to where they were.

"Do you need something?" Pierre asks since only he and Charles stayed.

"I'm fine, it was just an asshole. He was pretty harmless" I say laughing.

"Okay, you know where I am if you need me" He says starting to leave and Charles gives me a wink before doing the same.

"That was hot" Julia says looking like she was daydreaming.

"Wake up" I say waving my hand in front of her face trying to wake her up.

"I'm awake, I just would respectfully be railed right now by him after this. Can anybody threaten me so a man can save me please?" Julia says making us laugh.

"You need sex, you are terrible lately. Jesus Christ. That's Pierre, I'm not even thinking about that with him. Let's find you someone" I say heading to another side of the nightclub.

It was like 4 am when I looked at the time. I went outside to get some air and I hear Pierre's voice a few minutes later.

"Now I appreciate that you never went to parties with us all those years"

"Why is that? Am I too boring for you still?" I ask making him laugh.

"No. I get worried that something might happen so I check on you every minute. It's stressful. Girls don't like it" He says and we both laugh.

"Well, you can tell them I'm your little sister. They would believe it. Anthoine would do the same. Don't worry"

"They wouldn't believe it, we don't look alike. I don't really care. I wish this was the biggest of my problems every day. I'm happy that we are here, like this" He says and I nod.

"I'm happy too but I can defend myself. Go have fun and maybe a girl so you can release the stress I caused you all weekend"

"Don't be stupid. I only stress because I want you to be safe. I didn't want you to see anything like what happened on the track to remember what happened to him so I stressed for that too and I only did shit" He says looking embarrassed.

"You did great. It wasn't your day but you will be better and I will see it personally. Don't worry Gasly" I say and give him a quick hug.

"That's good to hear" He says smiling and we head inside. Julia finally found someone and Anna was with a guy she met like 3 hours ago.

"I'm tired, I will be leaving. Have fun" I say when he starts to head to the guys.

"No! I will go with you. I will call an Uber for us" He says quickly picking up his phone.

"Go have fun Pierre, I will be fine. I just don't feel like staying here" I say but he shakes his head.

"Most of the guys left already. Yuki went home like 2 hours ago, it's just Charles and Lando now" He says and I smile.

"Get an Uber then, I will warn the girls I'm leaving"

I warn them and Julia was going with the guy to our room to be safer. Anna was going to his apartment and turned her location on so we could see where she was and then I left with Pierre, Lando, and Charles. Lando went ahead with the Uber driving and he was stoked to have 3 Formula 1 drivers in his car.

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