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♬ I need somebody who can love me at my worst
No, I'm not perfect, but I hope you see my worth ♬

Pierre Gasly POV

Sharing a villa with Chloé was a good idea until it wasn't. It's hard enough to have to pretend I don't want to touch her every minute she is by my side. I've held myself back dozens of times to make sure I don't wrap my arm around her, I never had this much necessity to hold somebody close.

Being with her close to 24 hours a day will be enough to drive me crazy. We will stay here for a week, 3 of those days will be at the track so I got that on my side. That's all.

"The party after the Grand Prix will be here. Can you both work out the almost palpable sexual tension?" Charles asks as we are on our loungers to dry off and I take my sunglasses off and give him a death stare.

"Just shut the fuck up. What do you want me to do? I am not forcing her to be with me. She has reasons and I will respect them. I can over the sexual attraction I have for her, I can ignore it." I blurt out angrily as the girls were inside making cocktails for them and some drinks for us. Lunch has gone by so it's allowed.

"Oh, come on! You don't believe that. At least try to make her a bit jealous, that will work better than being comprehensive of her doubts. Can't you see the feels the same? You are both too stubborn." Lando says as he keeps scrolling on his phone.

"Definitely. Let me just fuck another random girl, that will make her run to my arms immediately. What a good fucking idea. I am not even shocked you are single." I put my sunglasses on and decided to ignore their attempts to advise me.

"How about a party tonight? We can still work out normally. We only have to be on the paddock for the press conferences on Thursday. We can party today and Sunday, maybe that will get both of you a little looser." Lando suggests and I think that's the only thing he has said that I can accept.

"Fine by me," I tell him since the idea doesn't sound bad.

He proceeded to inform the girls who were happy to accept, really happy actually. Night time came and a lot of women appeared, don't ask me who invited them because it definitely wasn't me. Every guy was shirtless and with shorts, it was way too hot to be properly dressed. Chloé still had her wavy hair from the pool's water, it looked heavenly on her. Seeing her in a bikini at the moonlight was definitely a completely different feeling.

"Is she your ex or what?" A girl asks in her accentuated accent and I am startled.

"Just a friend," I answer as I try to make some distance between us but this woman is not having it.

"I can make you forget her. She is not all that." She is confident but insulting Chloé is not a good move to get me.

"Yeah, no. Thank you though. Have fun." I leave her side and I leave to a more quiet place of the party.

"She was hot, is there anything wrong?" I hear Chloé's voice and soon after she is in front of me.

"Nothing is wrong, I am not in the mood for that right now. There is no need for you to miss the fun because I decided to give myself a little break from getting hit on." I say as I let out a laugh and she laughs too.

"Well, I really hope that on Sunday there are more guys because there is not a lot to choose from. Only inviting women is a low blow for us." She says as she gets dangerously close and I gulp as I feel my throat getting dry, my heart starts racing and my breathing is almost inexistent.

"There are at least 20 guys here that you don't know. There are plenty of choices." I say as I hold the eye contact and she smirks.

"And I still didn't find one who makes me feel likeyou do. The odds are not in my favor."

"Don't do that," I whisper with the rest of the self-control I still have, which is close to none. My hands are both by my side in fists as I try to hold myself from pulling her close and kissing her.

"Do what? Are you struggling to resist me?" She asks as she takes one more step closer to me. I feel her body touching mine, the fabric that covers her breasts touches my sternum and I take a deep breath.

"I am. I truly fucking am Chloé."

"Then stop Pierre."

The moment the words left her mouth I lost my last bit of sanity. I leaned down and I finally kissed her. She corresponded and I felt her hand on my hair, I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer so I could feel every inch of her skin against mine. My other hand was on the back of her neck keeping her close because we both know she could get cold feet and I really don't want that.

"Where is she? I hope she didn't get kidnapped, I can't get money in any bank here to pay a ransom." I hear Anna muttering as they obviously look for her and I feel Chloé backing off. She plays it off and so do I.

"Merde! (Shit!)" Julia says as she sees us, I am still leaning on the wall and Chloé is a meter away while looking at the view. "I told you not to come looking for her."

"We will leave now," Anna says clearly knowing she fucked up, the guilt on her face was obvious.

"I will head inside so there is no need to look for me anymore. I am not going to be kidnapped!" Chloé warns as they are leaving and they just raise their hand while giving her a thumbs up. "Where are you going?" She asks as I prepare to leave to where the party is.

"I am giving you space," I answer nervously. Why does she care?

"You are coming with me. Inside. If you want, of course." She says as she points to the house and I nod profusely.

"Oh, I want to," I say as I give her a smile and her smile appears too. She holds my hand as she leads me inside the house. Is this really happening or am I dreaming?

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