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♫ 'Cause even though I'm older now and I know how to shake off the past
I wouldn't have made it if I didn't have you holding my hand ♫

Chloé Hubert POV

"What have I done? I kissed him. Am I going crazy?" I ask as soon as we enter the bathroom, I should have been quiet.

"What is the problem? He kissed you back, he was jealous, you were his first crush. That is not fucking around, you could really have something there" Anna says trying to calm me down but I knew they were thinking that I was overthinking. I am.

"I need to leave. I want to go home" I say and they both stop me from getting out of the bathroom.

"Stop. You need to stop running away from problems, this is a perfect time to see how you two get along. Spend these weeks with him in Mexico and Brazil like we all agreed to. Don't fuck it up, go slow, and let things flow. No titles, no obligation. Don't run now" Julia says and I take some deep breaths.

"Do you think it's really true? Was I his first crush? I mean- I know he was not all this when he was younger but girls still liked him, he had charm anyway and made stupid jokes" I say still surprised by his confession.

"He is being serious, we had our suspicions, you know it" Julia says still happy about it, I could see the huge smile she gave as soon as he said it.

"Fuck. This is too much. This won't go well. Let me think about it for a bit" I say and they nod, we start getting out but they start walking faster and I see Pierre waiting there, hands in his pockets and a smile on his face.

"Sorry about it. I didn't mean to blindside you or make you uncomfortable, I can back off and keep whatever boundaries you need me to. I want to spend these weeks with you" He says with such calmness, how did he know what I needed to hear before I even talked? This man is too good.

"Did Anthoine know?" I ask really interested.

"I never told him directly but he teased me about it. He once saw the name on your contact and he started calling you that to see if I would react, I never changed it since then though" He says letting out a laugh while I'm really trying to remember what Anthoine started calling me out of nowhere and it finally hits me.

"Mon petit monstre? Do you still have my contact as your little monster? Pierre!" I say outraged by the idea of being called that for 10 years because of him.

"Yeah, you are a little monster" He says with a smirk and I put my hand out.

"Let me see it, I can't believe he started calling me that because of you. Even Charles called me that for years" I say skeptical of him so he unlocks the phone, gives it to me, and there it is the contact name and it is my number. Oh, God.

"Sorry for creating your first nickname, but it stuck around for some reason. Am I forgiven?" He asks when I give him the phone back.

"For that, yes. But I don't like to fuck around with people I know and I am not judging you or throwing it in your face but you are not a guy of relationships, you get with them for something short, and then it's done. I can't handle that" I say trying to be as honest as I could and I could see he was confounded.

"Chloé. I am not going to deny I did that because I obviously did. But I wouldn't do it to you. I believe any person can be in a relationship with the right person, at least I can say I tried to find the right person. I failed a few times and then I decided it wasn't for me. We don't need a title and we don't need to worry into a relationship, we are doing fine as friends. Me being jealous and admitting to it doesn't force us into anything. Also having a previous crush on you is nothing that should affect us. We are friends above it all" He says calmly and I feel calm hearing him.

"Thank you. You are really different, thank you for that" I say hugging him and he quickly hugs me back.

"Let's just forget this if you want and we can go back to the table, have some fun and enjoy the next few weeks getting some sun and fun" He says and I nod taking his hand and going back to the table where they kept playing the game. I see Julia and Anna smiling at us and they make room for us quickly.

We stayed for a few more hours before leaving. The next day we had breakfast at lunch and then caught the plane to Mexico, Pierre and Yuki were on the same flight as us, Yuki gave me his seat and he was happy I had no one sitting by my side, two business class seats for him.

"How are you feeling?" I ask when I sit by his side and he shrugs.

"I feel just fine, I didn't drink a lot last night but if I did I would be used to it" He says letting out a laugh.

"It's only a two-hour flight, we will be just fine" I say getting comfortable and I start to pick a movie to see.

"Can I watch it with you?" He asks and I nod leaning on his shoulder.

I put on the movie and we quietly watch it knowing when the movie ended the flight would be ending too. It was relaxing, I had my head on his shoulder and he had his hand on my tight, sometimes I felt his gaze on me but I didn't care to lift my head, I only changed angles so my neck wouldn't hurt when I got up. The movie ended and 10 minutes later we are given the warning to put our seatbelts on and so we do.

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