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♪ Still a home, still a home here
It's not too late to build it back ♪

Pierre Gasly POV

When I got out of the car I couldn't hear anybody talking, I saw her there, she was pale, zoned out and completely frozen there. I hugged her to make her feel alright and it looked like it worked. I stop at the front of the hotel, Julia and Anna thank me and get out of the car, and Chloé smiles.

"Thank you for today, you did good" She says and I laugh.

"So, could I get 5 stars in my rating?" I ask making her laugh.

"Maybe 4 will suit you better, your ego can't be elevated too much"

"I will see you tomorrow. I will get there at midday. We have the parade and some events until 3 pm so I can pick you up or you can go meet us there as you did today" I say and she nods.

"Come get us, it's the last day. Maybe you can get 5 stars" She says and we laugh.

"I'll be here a little before midday then. See ya tomorrow"

"See ya tomorrow Gasly" She says getting out of the car and when she gets to the hotel entrance I drive off.

I got home and they were making dinner or fighting or both. I don't really know, it was noisy so I took a shower and then came to the kitchen.

"You look happy for someone who couldn't end the sprint" Charles says and I laugh.

"I'm okay, don't start with your bullshit" I say and he laughs too.

"Fine, let's eat dinner. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day"

We ate dinner and played some games, I did some exercises before going to sleep and picked them up at the time we discussed. They were waiting and they seemed pretty happy.

"Good morning!" Julia says excitedly when they got in and I laugh. Their morning energy is really good.

"Good morning girls. Did you have lunch already?" I ask and they all shake their heads.

"We ate breakfast like an hour ago, we were up until late last night. We will eat something there" Julia answers and I nod.

"We were gonna talk about going to a party later but Chloé doesn't think it's a good idea" Anna says, I look at Chloé, she shrugs and I look at the road again.

"Why isn't it a good idea? Don't you want my company?" I ask pretending to be hurt and she laughs.

"I just don't see why we should party together. It's weird, I always refused when you invited me" She says and I nod, she was right on that.

"We changed. Let's go party tonight girls. I will invite all the guys" I say and they seem excited.

We got there and it was busy from the start, I saw her a few times but I definitely saw her before getting in the car. She came for a hug which I didn't deny.

"Behave yourself, don't traumatize me because if you survive I kill you after it" She says and I laugh.

"I will come back safe and sound" I say and get in the car with a big smile, I like this.

I just didn't like not passing the 4th lap. I got out of the car angry with myself, it was the car's fault but I was still mad. My eyes met hers and I get the helmet off and we smile at each other.

"I'm sorry. I wanted you to see me at my best, not this" I say nervously and she laughs.

"You did good, this track isn't a good one. You won't be the only one who doesn't finish it, believe me. I liked it" She says and my smile grows bigger.

"Thank you for that" I say and we see the rest of the race from there.

It ended and we went to do the interviews, I quickly went to AlphaTauri hospitality and Chloé was there with the girls. She was right, four of us didn't finish, including Max and Lewis.

"Hey there. Are we still up for tonight?" I ask and they all look at me.

"You still want to party after that?" Julia asks but Anna hits her with her elbow and she looks confused at her.

"It's fine. The best way to cheer me up after this is with a good party. Most guys are coming too" I say and they can't hide their smiles but Chloé seemed indifferent. Julia and Anna get the vibe and quickly go get some water. "Do you not want me to go? I can keep my distance if I'm making you uncomfortable"

"I just don't want you to see me differently when you see me getting drunk and flirting with random guys" She says laughing.

"I'm gonna do the same thing. I won't judge you for living life" I say and she seems relieved.

"That's great then. Will you meet us at the club around 10 pm?" She asks and I nod.

"Send me the address so I can send it to the group chat and whoever wants to come just shows up" I say and she nods.

We left a bit after. They went to have dinner and get ready and I did the same with the guys. We got there at 10 pm and a lot of the other guys actually came, only 4 or 5 didn't show up because they were probably going home to their families. I see Chloé talking with Ocon and I greet Julia and Anna, and so do Charles and Lando. Yuki was already somewhere else.

"Have you got here a long time ago?" I ask discreetly looking at them.

"No, we got here like 10 minutes ago but he was already here and offered her a drink" Julia says looking a bit unhappy.

"Why do you two seem to despise Esteban?" I ask trying not to laugh at their instant dislike of hearing his name.

"It's just- He's not the right person for her but he always tries to go on dates and all that even though he is clearly not the one!" Anna says and she looked pretty angry.

"You are mad because you are trying to set her up with someone" Charles says laughing.

"It's not personal, we don't have anything against him, he is just too insistent" Anna says and we laugh.

"It's never personal. But who is the right person then?" Lando asks curiously.

"Him" They say at the same time and look at me.

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