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♬ 'Cause it's only you, nobody new, I put you first
And for you, girl, I swear I'll do the worst ♬

Chloé Hubert POV

I brought Pierre to my room and locked the door to make sure no one opened this door by mistake. I didn't have much work to do, the man was already shirtless and I doubt that he has much more clothes to get rid of.

"What are we doing Chloé?" He asks as we are both focused on each other and I shorten the distance between us.

"Is this a mistake?" I ask doubting my own thoughts, maybe I went too far. Now he is the one who doesn't want it.

"I've made a lot of mistakes, none of them felt as good as this so I would say it isn't one," he says as his hand reaches for my waist.

"Maybe we should get it out of our system, we are feeling attracted to each other but maybe it's just physical. We can't really go from hating one another to falling in love, we just probably want to fuck, nothing more," I say as I ran my hand through his arm and I feel how tense he gets, his breathing even stopped for a few seconds as he watched the movement.

"I don't think that's all there is to it, but I would give it a try. We got nothing to lose," he says as he gets closer.

He grabbed my chin and made me look up so he could kiss me, I opened my lips and felt his tongue exploring my mouth, this was probably the best kiss a guy had ever given me. Once we separated I started kissing his neck, trailing the kisses to his collarbone and he let his head fall back.

"Get those off and lay back on the bed," I order him and he immediately obeys.

When he lies down I observe the magnificent man in front of me. It's Pierre, he is a Formula One driver, he is in great physical condition and it is obviously very noticeable. He is a fine man once it's all visible. He has one of the best bodies I've ever seen. I stripped down of my bikini, slowly but surely. His eyes were focused on me the whole time, watching every movement like he could miss out if he looked away.

I climbed on top of him and started trailing kisses on his lower abdomen, I could sense how tense he was, he was really trying his best not to take me in that moment and I appreciated it, I just would like him to go with it.

Once I got to his face I kissed his clenched jaw, before going to his ears.

"I imagine you pictured me like this. Naked. On top of you," I whisper and get a bit of space to look at his reaction. This man was a second away from giving me the best sex of my life and I was a second away from riding his dick like my life depended on it. How did we get here?

"I have," he answered as his eyes were still on mine.

"Then do to me what you did on that fantasy of yours, fuck me like you always wished you could've fucked me."

The words were like a switch happened. He cupped my face and kissed me passionately. I thought he would want to be on top of me, men like to be in control but he maintained the roles as they were.

"Mon amour, can you ride me? Because having you on top of me is making me crazy," he whispers before he kisses my neck, he was kissing all the right spots and I was almost melting.

"Merde! I don't have condoms, why would I have condoms? Do you have any? Do I want to know if you do?"

My nerves are obviously through the roof at the moment I realize that the most important thing is not here. No condom, no sex. That is a personal rule.

"I can go get one in my room but think about this because you are going between confident to insecure pretty quickly. I hope this gives you enough time to think," he says as he carefully rolls me to the bed and leaves the room.

Why am I so nervous? I am afraid to fuck it up, I am afraid of not being as good as the women he has been with before. I am definitely afraid of losing the friendship we were building. Nobody ever knew me as well as he does, only Anthoine and we both know I don't have him to lean on anymore.

The moment Pierre got back I forgot all the doubts, he lay on the bed next to me and he was doubtful so he didn't do anything but I did. I got back on top of him, took the condom off his hands and put it on his member as I maintained our eye contact. I must admit, it was as hard as it was when I sat on top of him so he definitely can hold th

"Kiss me, Pierre," I ask him and it was almost automatic.

It didn't even take him a second to clash his lips into mine. I've pictured this, me and him, I had. But this was different. He sat down on the bed and wrapped his arms around me, and our bodies were almost glued together. There is no better feeling than this.

I slowly started sitting on his dick, and I hear his suppressed moan in the middle of the kiss. It felt good and it felt right. When I noticed I had finally taken it all in I started moving faster, I tried not to be loud by moaning against his neck. He had one hand in the middle of my hair as he held it strongly, he wasn't pulling it but in the correct position he could.

I would let this man do a lot of things to me that I wouldn't let another man do. I felt his finger circling and teasing my clit and I knew that this would end up with an orgasm for both of us, which is honestly rare to find. Most guys don't care.

When I finally felt it coming, he took over my mouth by kissing me. He only came when I did, it was extremely intimate. I would like to think this would help us remain friends but not that I have my head on his chest and I hear his racing heartbeat synchronized with mine, I now know that this would only complicate things. It wasn't just physical and it scares me.

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