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♪ Underneath our bad blood
We've still got a sanctum, home ♪

Chloé Hubert POV

We got to the paddock and saw Pierre and Yuki, as we were walking there Charles also arrived.

"You look happier" Charles says giving me a quick hug and I laugh.

"I hope so, I don't want to go around looking sad" I say making them laugh.

"So are you all ready for another day walking through all the garages and hospitalities?" Pierre asks and the three of us look at each other.

"What do you mean? I remained completely loyal to AlphaTauri, I wouldn't do that to you" I say with an insulted tone and they laugh.

"There are photos of you online and videos of the three of you scrolling through all of the garages and hospitalities. Like literally Susie Wolff posted a picture with you on Instagram" Yuki says and I'm genuinely surprised.

"Oh no. I didn't comment or leave a like, I didn't even have time for Instagram yesterday" I say picking up my phone and they laugh harder.

"We have to know the premises and see how the competition is doing" Anna says and they quickly nod.

"You seem absolutely right" Yuki says holding a laugh.

"How did the interviews go?" Julia asks clearly trying to distract them from the subject and it worked.

We talked for a few minutes until they were called. Practice went pretty well and we ate some lunch since they had 3 hours until the sprint started. We were eating and talking in AlphaTauri when Pierre decides to go for a walk around the place, it was the three of us with Pierre and Yuki but Charles and Lando appeared too, they are fun to be with. Formula 2 events were happening so most drivers were relaxing a bit before the sprint.

"You two look friendly" I hear Ocon say and we all look, especially me and Pierre.

"What's the problem with that?" Pierre asks in a defensive way.

"We are friends. Is that new to you? Did you forget how long we have known each other? What a stupid comment to make Esteban" I say and he looks surprised.

"You two could be a lot of things through the years but you were never friends with each other. You couldn't stand him" Ocon says and I roll my eyes.

"You haven't been around for a long time. But we are friends, don't go around saying stuff like that. Mind your own business" I say and he nods.

"Fine. When you are one more don't come talking to me" He says and I laugh.

"Why would I talk to you? Are you my new bestie? Do we gossip and paint nails together?" I ask ironically, he just shrugs and goes in the opposite direction we were going.

"He seemed so nice. What's the deal with him?" Julia asks still surprised.

"He's just jealous, he will get over it" Charles says not giving him much credit for the stupidity he just pulled.

"Thanks for that" Pierre says with a smile and I nod.

"No worries, it pissed me off" I say and we continue walking while they told us what we were seeing. Some people stopped them for photos and autographs but they were always super nice and lovely.

When the time finally came I think we were running out of things to talk about. I went to the garage to see the sprint when I felt my heart stop. Pierre was out of the sprint and I only wanted to know if he was fine. I must've looked like shit because he took his helmet out and entered the garage straight in my direction ignoring whoever came in his direction.

"I'm fine, it was something soft. I'm okay" He says as soon as he gets in front of me, I was in shock, my mind was having some flashbacks but they stopped as soon as he hugged me.

"Are you sure you are okay?" I ask when I get back to my senses.

"I'm okay, it was no big deal, it was just a slight touch with Daniel. I'm okay" He says and I nod.

"That's good" I say and he nods. He looks around and makes signs for Anna and Julia to get closer.

"I'll be back, just be by her side please" He says and leaves to talk to his team.

"Are you okay? We tried talking to you but you zoned out" Julia says sounding worried.

"I'm fine, I just kept getting these flashbacks but they stopped" I say still confused about what happened.

"They stopped when he hugged you? That's why you answered?" Anna asks surprised.

"Yeah, that's what happened" I say still trying to get back to normal, my mind was a mess.

"If you don't marry that man I will, he ignored his whole team to make sure you were okay. Did Pierre ever have a crush on you? We would've noticed" Anna says and I roll my eyes.

"Don't be stupid. He didn't want me here having a panic attack like a crazy person"

"Yeah, convince yourself of that" Julia says and they both laugh.

A few minutes later Pierre comes back and he smiles at me.

"Are you back to normal?" He asks in a calm voice and I nod.

"I'm fine, you were the one who had an accident or whatever it was" I say and he lets out a laugh.

"I got worried as soon as I felt the car out of my control, I was trying to not cause you any more trauma but it's not helping" He says sounding nervous.

"You are teaching me how to deal with it" I say and he nods.

"Exactly. When this ends we will have the victory ceremony and press conference. I will come to see you after okay? Don't run away" He says and I nod.

"Don't worry, I won't run for now" I say and we both laugh.

When the sprint ended Pierre headed out and we stayed there talking, he came back and I knew it was finally time to go. Anna and Julia made sure they went ahead and we stayed back.

"I'm sorry for making you remember it. Sometimes we have flashbacks too. It's hard but it made me appreciate life more, that way I won't be afraid to lose out on anything" He says and I smile.

"Don't be such a good person, that will make it harder to despise you again" I say and he laughs.

"Don't despise me then, let's keep it like this. We deserve some happiness and we owe him that" He says and I nod with a huge smile, this man knows all the right things to say.

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