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♪ To a savior who can
Unbreak the broken ♪

Pierre Gasly POV

"Good practice" Yuki says when I get out of the car and I smile at him. 5th place is good.

"Thanks, I will see you in a bit" I say when I see Chloé walking around at the back of the garage. "Is everything okay?" I ask when I see that she looked a bit stressed.

"Yeah, you did good. I'm gonna get water or something" She says looking everywhere.

"Nothing will happen, believe me" I say and she takes a deep breath turning away from me. "Chloé!"

"What?" She asks turning around angry.

"Where are Anna and Julia?" I ask and she shrugs.

"Julia went to the bathroom and I asked Anna to bring me some water so I could have a few moments in peace" She says and I shake my head.

"Don't do that. You are always pushing away people who care about you. You didn't have to go through this alone" I say and she laughs.

"I wasn't alone. I had my mom and my other brother. We were just all depressed, we couldn't really help each other. I didn't push them away" She says and I nod.

"You pushed me away, and Charles who you also knew from a long time ago. And the boys who you also knew pretty well"

"We only talked because of Anthoine, I didn't push you away. About the boys, they are all in this world and this gives me fucking anxiety" She says angrily.

"I cared for you anyways. I wanted to know how you were, I had to call Nathalie and Victhor every time I wanted to know how you were. Just because our personalities collide doesn't mean I don't care about someone I've known for 16 years, or 18 now" I say and she looks at the ground.

"When I saw you I always saw Anthoine too. You make me remember him. It hurts too much Pierre" She says and starts walking away.

"You remember me of Anthoine too. And I like it. He was a good person, he had a great life and he died doing what he loved. I don't regret anything, I would've done it all again. I just wish we could be in each other's lives" I say and she stops walking and looks at me confused.

"Can we talk later?" She asks and I nod.

"Of course, call me when you want to talk about it" I say and she nods.

We all went to talk to the media and after an hour with the media, I went with Yuki to hospitality and while we crossed the paddock Charles appears by our side.

"Did you see Chloé and Ocon?" He asks and I quickly look at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused. He can't have the audacity.

"They have been talking for like 20 minutes, he's going at it" Charles says laughing, I give him a death stare and he stops.

"Put me in the loop on why that's bad" Yuki says confused.

"Ocon has the biggest crush on Chloé since he first saw her like 15 years ago or less. He and Pierre know each other since 2006, in 2009 it went downhill and Ocon got angry Pierre was winning the kart races and then got mad he spent so much time with Chloé, he never said it but it was clear" Charles says and I roll my eyes.

"Oh, he is a bad loser. If he loses friends because of losing then he shouldn't make them inside the racing circle" Yuki says shrugging.

"There they are" Charles says and we stop walking and look at where he discreetly pointed and it was just Chloé and him, Anna and Julia were talking close by and when they see us they run to me.

"Hey, guys. Pierre, can you bring Chloé back please?" Anna asks and I get confused.

"Why? They are friends from what I remember" I say shrugging and was going to continue walking but Anna gets in my way.

"Please, he is being really annoying. She is just trying to be nice but it won't go for long" She says almost begging and I nod. I go there and see Chloé look at me, she looked relieved for the first time in her life, she never looked relieved to see me.

"Hello there. Are you ready to go Chloé?" I ask with a smile, Ocon turns around and his smile fades away straight away.

"She came here with you?" He asks not believing it.

"Yeah, she is my plus one this weekend" I say and she walks to my side and he lets out a deep breath.

"Of course she is" He says ironically.

"We have to go now, thank you for remembering old times" She says and I see how fake her smile was.

"Any time, let's talk more again" He says and she nods and we leave.

"What was that about? I thought you two got along" I say confused.

"He was a bit persistent. He always was but today he went to a whole new level. I was uncomfortable" She says and I nod.

"You can go into Alpha Tauri hospitality or motorhome to keep away from him if you want" I say and she nods.

"He looks a bit resentful, are the two of you still not friends? You are just colleagues now?" She asks and I nod.

"I think we will never go back to being friends, I have good friends so I don't really care" I say and we get to where they were waiting for us.

"Thanks for getting her back" Julia says and I nod.

"So explain something to me. Do you only have 2 practices this weekend because of the sprint? Qualifying will be this afternoon?" Anna asks looking confused.

"That's right. We will have qualifying at 6 pm. Until then there's a bit less than an hour to eat and we go back to the garages to get ready" I say and she nods.

We did as I said and ate something. We headed to the garage and I was getting ready when I feel Chloé's hand on my arm so I turn around to look at her surprised and confused.

"Be careful please" She says and I nod.

"Don't worry" I say and give her a quick hug. "See you in a bit"

"See you in a bit" She answers with a smile and I walk away with one too.

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