Mission 1: New world

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Y/n Pov

I didn't know what was going on, I was supposed to wake up on the ground, but currently I was falling from the sky at great speed as if coming down from the tower of Devil May Cry 3 like Dante did, and it was strangely exciting to feel the speed and the wind.

I didn't know what was going on, I was supposed to wake up on the ground, but currently I was falling from the sky at great speed as if coming down from the tower of Devil May Cry 3 like Dante did, and it was strangely exciting to feel the speed a...

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And that recalled another part of my favorite game.

And then giving myself to crazy joy like Sora, I didn't realize that I arrived on the ground to my great regret because I wanted it not to end but unfortunately at some point they do

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And then giving myself to crazy joy like Sora, I didn't realize that I arrived on the ground to my great regret because I wanted it not to end but unfortunately at some point they do.

Looking around I couldn't help but look at the starry sky above me and it was beautiful for this flat area.

Then remembering that I was still wearing the pajamas from when I was dead, I began to use the power of the Gamer to change clothes. I focused and closed my eyes to picture myself dressed in my new clothes and then after a while I opened my eyes to see myself wearing my new look.

 I focused and closed my eyes to picture myself dressed in my new clothes and then after a while I opened my eyes to see myself wearing my new look

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Y/n: Now this is what I call being cool.

Satisfied with it, i started walking around to find some sign of civilization but I stopped my search because something caught my attention.

Satisfied with it, i started walking around to find some sign of civilization but I stopped my search because something caught my attention

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(Put night)

There was this huge tree with this destroyed statue glowing red, looking closely at the top of the stuta I noticed that there was the silhouette of a person who for some reason seemed familiar to me. But I did not give it much weight and I continued to approach it until I touched it with my hand, immediately afterwards I heard a voice speaking to me as the statue returned to its former glory by lighting up blue.

 But I did not give it much weight and I continued to approach it until I touched it with my hand, immediately afterwards I heard a voice speaking to me as the statue returned to its former glory by lighting up blue

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Analyzing it better thanks Gamer I understood that this statue was a receiver connected to someone or something living and that I could tap into its powers as I pleased. But the power that was left to the transmitter was little, so I decided to do the reverse procedure, I let some of my energy flow inside the statue by reversing its function connected to the source giving it back its full power .

??? Pov

I was using my powers to reach the statue from which that anemo energy source was rising, initially I thought it was just someone who had activated it to heal themselves or to receive the blessing, but instead as incredible as it seems he was using it to pour his the energy within me. I was surprised when my weak energies were going back to being as strong as they used to be and this was absurd. Finally I had arrived at my destination and as I suspected there was someone, but because of the night I could only distinguish a black figure, not knowing who he was and what he could do, i summoned my weapon for safety and started to approach it slowly so as not to be discovered. I got close enough to understand that he was human and that he was dressed as a Fatui agent but it was weird because he didn't seem to be connected to them and the uniform was different. I had so many questions in my head that I would have asked them but I couldn't do it because he fell to the ground motionless in front of me, I immediately ran to check him and when I was close to him and i understood why it seemed strange to me. His stature was too short to be an adult and when I turned him over to check his breath he knew it was just a child and that left me more surprised than before.

Returning to what I was doing I put my head on my chest to check his heart and luckily it was still beating and this calmed me down a bit as he was just sleeping

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Returning to what I was doing I put my head on my chest to check his heart and luckily it was still beating and this calmed me down a bit as he was just sleeping. Then noticing that when he passed out the source of energy that I kept receiving had disappeared, I had the confirmation that he was giving it to me. I wanted to know who he was and why he did it but it seemed like I would have to wait, but I didn't want to leave him here it was dangerous and he seemed to be alone so not thinking too much I took him in my arms and was struck by how light he was, he definitely did not eat for a long time but this is a problem that I would have dealt with tomorrow, now I had to take him to safety inside the city to get to know him better and understand why he was here.

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