Happy birthday Y/n

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I was playing a video game in my new shelter when the power suddenly went out.

Y/n: Ok... what's going on?

Suddenly the light suddenly came back on and blinded me and so I put my hands in front of my eyes and when my sight recovered, I took my hands away from my eyes and opened them again and in front of me there was no longer the TV but a huge birthday cake along with other people I didn't know but they were equipped with various birthday things. He didn't understand what was happening, until:



I did not believe it. They were all readers of my story and there were many. And this filled my heart with joy.

Y/n: 🤩 Thanks! Really! Thank you so much for this beautiful party and for reading my Adventure in this game world

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Y/n: 🤩 Thanks! Really! Thank you so much for this beautiful party and for reading my Adventure in this game world. I promise to you that i will never change.

The Adventure Of The Little Player (Genshin Impact X Male Child Gamer Reader)Where stories live. Discover now